chapter 1 - Secondary school

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well it all started in year 7 there was 4 houses similar to Hogwarts school but instead of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin it was Doyal, Dickens, Kipling and Wales

We all got sorted into our houses at the start of the year and we had to stay in those houses, till we left the school which kinda sucked because I knew people from other houses that I rather be with other than my house which was Kipling.

I met alot of people and some people I rather wished I rather of not met but 2 people stuck by me and I'm glad they did.

Connor and Callum are two of my closet mates and I'm glad to call them family at the end of the day, they helped me through so much stuff it's unbelievable.

each and everyday i found more about myself and tried to survive all five years but it got worse with the bullying and it was hard on me i got that depressed but yet i still tried everyday not to let it bother me but in the end it did but i got though it with help it was bad and it was worth it because then i  found out who my true mates were.

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