College Part 2

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I'm not going to bore you with the events of my level one course cause that's not where the drama or where excitement begins. Plus I will not be mentioning my classes I'll mention I went to class and me coming out of class that is it.

First day of level 2 of my catering course I went into the courtyard café for a normal breakfast wrap and to chill out before class I had already been here one year so I already know my classes and where to go and I had already been here for my previous year.

I'm thinking to myself what hell will be unleashed this year I go to all my classes spread out through the day.

Everytime I left class I went to the cafe as it would calm me down from people being asses I met a few people like Liam, Louise, Erika, Megan, Tommy, zac and big z but it was about learning about them more than learning about me

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