Part 2: Red Alert

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The red lights blinked in time with the siren, and the small green ball of fluff was whistling and chirping with increasing urgency.

“Tell him it's okay!” Viola insisted.

Grax stared into the alien's eyes. Whatever it was Grax was thinking at the creature, it didn't seem to have any effect. The little green oval was whining and chirping more and more loudly.

“There is nothing to be afraid of; quiet down,” Ylmaq said in her best soothing voice, which, to Nyman, sounded both angry and disapproving. Not that it mattered; so far as anyone could tell, Ylmaq's words had no effect either.

“Is my assistance required? Suvok asked, his hand hovering tentatively over Grax's shoulder. Nyman remembered what Suvok had said about Vulcan telepathy, and wondered what the Vulcan might have in mind.

Grax looked up for a moment, his eyes wide. Then his shoulders slumped, and he nodded, defeated.

“You or him, Sabian?” Suvok asked in gentle tones.

Grax looked down at the small creature, then up at Suvok. The Vulcan waited, silently. Grax looked away, then back up at his friend. He took a deep breath. “Me. I wish it didn't have to be me, but he's too frightened.”

“I will try to ensure that nothing unpleasant occurs,” Suvok said. “I will try to ensure that it will not be like -” the Vulcan paused.

Nyman looked up in surprise. Suvok was too methodical to stop mid-sentence, searching for a word. The pause lasted for a very long time, before Suvok finally said, “It will not be like it was the last time."

Grax looked down, apparently composing himself. Then he looked up and nodded.

Nyman had once seen a Vulcan paramedic perform a mind-meld on an accident victim. It had caused the hysterical, injured man to calm down almost immediately. The paramedic had used weird, ritualistic words, and there had been a lot of awkward staring. Suvok didn't do any of that. He simply allowed his hand to come into contact with Grax's cheek.

Grax's reaction was immediate – a sharp intake of breath followed by renewed focus. Suvok's features remained impassive, betraying no hint of what he might be doing to support Grax's telepathy. Suddenly, the chirping ceased. The green fuzzball turned, staring at Grax and Suvok intently. Nyman and Ylmaq exchanged curious glances.

 “There!” Grax said triumphantly, as Suvok unobtrusively let his hand drop.

 “Well?” Ylmaq demanded.

 Sabian grinned. “I think he understands. Now, if only I can have a little more time -”

He was interrupted by an announcement coming over the intercom. ”Command staff to stations. Operations and Command staff, gamma shift, to stations."

Grax threw his hands up in dismay. “Oh, for crying out loud! Why do these things always happen at the worst possible time? Keep an eye on him, would you, Vi?”

“What? Me? Why me? And what'm I supposed to do with him?” Nyman's desperation was obvious in her voice.

Suvok turned to face her. “I am in Operations; Ensign Grax and Ensign Ylmaq are both members of the Command division. You are the only one who will be available to watch our guest.”

Ylmaq smiled smugly. “Don't worry, Viola. When they call the exobotany staff to battle stations, you can hide him in your pocket.”

"My uniform doesn't have pockets!” Nyman wailed, but it was too late. The door was already hissing shut. Ylmaq was gone, Grax on her heels. Only Suvok hung behind.

“Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need assistance,” he offered.

Nyman bit her lip. “I don't want to get you into trouble. Go. I'll be fine.”

It looked to Nyman like Suvok was going to say something more. Instead, the intercom crackled to life once again.

"Security Condition Three,” The voice said simply.

Nyman felt her heart plummet into her stomach as the voice continued. “I repeat, Security Condition Three: Intruder Alert.”

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