Part 6: Nyman makes a Mistake

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Nervously, Nyman sat down on the couch, beside the small green ball of fur. It looked over at her, reaching out a tiny, three-fingered hand, and chirped.

Viola smiled at the alien. "I guess it's just you and me, little guy. Everyone's ditched us."

He chirped again, tilting his head to one side.

"I know. I thought Suvok was going to help us out. Sometimes Vucans are useless."

Again, the little furball made a chirping noise. But this time, it sounded more insistent, the pitch higher.

"Woah, woah, calm down!"

The small creature leapt down from the couch.

"Hey! Get back here!" Nyman demanded.

The green alien began to move across the floor. With all that fur, Nyman couldn't see feet or legs or and means of propulsion, but the little guy was really moving. It took maybe half a second for the little creature to smack into the wall, right below the replicator.

"Come on! I'm supposed to look after you!" Nyman was on her feet, and her voice was full of concern.

The little alien chirped, then ran into the wall again. Nyman knelt, but before she could grab him, the alien had zipped out of her grasp, anxiously mewling, then buzzing. As Viola pulled herself back up onto her feet, the small alien rushed between her legs. He made a beeline for the door that led out into the corridor.

Nyman cringed. "No! No, you've got to stay in here!"

She lunged to grab the small alien, and that was her mistake. The green ball of fur was too small, too close to the ground to trigger the door sensor. Had Viola remained still, the door would not have opened. But Nyman's lunge brought her arm within range of the sensors.

With a satisfied swoosh, the doors slid open, and the green alien rushed through. He was out of view before Viola could manage to stumble through the door.

How to Break the Prime Directive (and get away with it)Where stories live. Discover now