Axel x Roxas One-shot

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Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN KINGDOM HEARTS! I wish I did, BUT I DONT! If I did I wouldn't stupidly killed off my little Axel!!!! :'( Plus I would have Kingdom Hearts III out by now.

I apologize for grammar mistakes of any kind in advance. I most likely won't continue this, but if ya want me to, I'll write the rest of the steamy action... Ya know ya want it my fellow Yaoi Fangirls!

Roxas POV

I was risen from sleep by the fire alarm blaring in my ears.

Damn you Axel.

I got up in a rush, threw my cloak on, and ran out the door to see what damage he'd done.

"Axel you idiot!! Why'd can't you just cook something like a normal person would (They're not normal!) and not set the kitchen on fire!!!"
I heard Larxene yell at the redhead.

"Well sooooorry!!!! If the stove would have cooked the meal right and not underdone, I wouldn't have to use fire!"

"That's not a reasonable excuse!"

"Sure it is!"

"Would you two stop it please?!"

My voice was not loud enough to reach their ears. So, instead i tried a different approach.

I whacked them on the head with my keyblade.


They said in unison, and glared at me. If looks could kill, id be dead, burned, revived to do their dirty work, and killed again. Wait, I'm already dead...

I hid my keyblade behind me with a sheepish grin, trying to think of a way out of a beating.


"Now now Larxene, he was just getting us to stop fighting and- OW! Don't zap me with your lightening or I'll burn you alive!"

While their arguing continued, I got away unharmed and sneaked back into my room.

-Time skip to later in the afternoon-

A knock was presented upon my door. I got up and opened it to the pyromaniac.

He grabbed me swiftly by the wrist and dragged me to the main room.

There were balloons and streamers and whatever there is at party. I looked up at my friend in confusion.

"What's the occasion for a party?"

"It's the Organizations get together! We have one every 2 months."

"But we see each other and the others every d-"

"Yeah yeah it's stupid, but I get to spend time with you, so it's not so bad."

At that comment, he swung his arm around my shoulder. At the sudden contact a blushed a light pink, eyes averting from him.

"Uhh, ok... -blush-"

"Come on you two join the party!"

Demyx was calling us over. Axel and I, still arm around my shoulder, walked over to the guitarist.

"Awww, look at the two lovebirds!" Larxene called over our shoulders.

"W-we're n-not, I-it's just, he-"

"Suuuuure, you guys don't like eachother. It's TOTALLY normal for best friends to be as close as you two are." Damn you Demyx.

"Yeah. You two have even shared your sea-salt ice cream with eachother!"

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