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TW- Dysphoria, self-hate, self harm thoughts, cussing

Bus Money AU 

[[3rd Person POV]]

     As the Clingy Duo [Tommy & Toby/Tubbo] opened the door to their apartment, they saw their taller friend lying on the couch, curled up in a ball. "AYUPPPPP RYYYYY!" The tall, blond yelled. A small groan came from Rylan, Toby's face changed with concern, "You alright, boss man?" "Uh-huh..." a weak response came from the boy. Toby walked close to his curled up friend and noticed a heating pad against his stomach. "Oh- is it?" Ry nodded slowly as tears formed in his eyes. Tommy looked over, "Oh shit- sorry about that Big Man.. anything we can do?" Rylan shook his head, "Nah, I'll be good."

A few hours pass by...

     Rylan made his way to the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and leaned against it. He exhaled deeply, slidding down the door and landing on the ground. He looked at the rug near the sink, he made his way over to the rug and lifted part of it up. "Razor blade..." the dysphoric teen thought. He sat in silcence, there was then a knock on the door. "Ayup, Ry? You in there?,' Tom said from outside the door. Rylan felt as if he couldn't talk, not saying anyting. A few seconds passed by and Tommy opened the door, and quickly saw Rylan staring at the blade in his hand. 

     Tommy's eyes widen, and he quickly sat next to Rylan, taking the razor out of his hand. Ry sat there and looked at his lap, "I can only imagine what you're going through.. but, all of us will figure ourselves out," Tommy thought of on the spot, and then mummbled, "hopefully." The younger boy took his glasses off and wiped his tears. Tom looked at him, he saw the stress and pain in the poor boys eyes.

     Tommy gently pushed Rylan's head onto his lap, Ry didn't flinch or try to sit back up, "I don't even care at this point..," Rylan thought bitterly. As his head rested on Tom's lap, his eyes began to feel heavy. Before the burrnett feel asleep, he whispered, "Thank you..."

Aight- look i made you some contentttttt. Author Dearest made you your favorite (Rylan/Ranboo angst) open wideeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. anyways, enjoy

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