Saturday, 14.03

6 1 0

I regret coming there
My parents called me a freak.
My. Own. Fucking. Parents. Think I'm a MONSTER.
I'm.... I'm just
At a loss for words
I thought I was their sweet sunshine
I mean
Of course I've grown and cut my hair a few times
I've changed....but...have i gotten meaner?

Sometimes i really do ask myself why I fought. Why didn't my dad fight? I saw 70 year olds proudly committing genocide, but my 50 year old father is too fragile.
Of course.
And my 34 year old self was totally fine with doing that right?
I totally didn't beg to stay at home.

But no. They let my stupid cunt of a friend fuck my wife and just accepted them as their family. What the fuck am I, a clown?
Those unthankful little worms
One day I'll kill them, just like I killed thousands of others.

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