Sunday, 28.03

7 1 0

So, since I found out my mates died, I decided to make a little
Performance thing alone
I hung up a little poster on a rock,,

I'll probably perform near the place where the jellyfish are, because it has really good echo! And I really hope that little dude comes there!

I havent even taken my mask of since leaving the wastelands,, i mean sure i lifted it to smile at the boy but
Other than that? Maybe I'll take it off there.

I just really hope they aren't scared of me
I want to make them laugh, even if I seem big and menacing, I'm actually...a pretty don't know, I don't feel like playing with jellyfish and playing the harp among other instruments is something buff guys do.

I decided to wear an old friends hat, to keep him in my heart the way he deserves it. He was one of the sweetest nicest people to be around, though i really didn't understand why he's a lamplighter of all things. Like...isn't that a really exhausting and boring job?

Okay's better than going to war I guess.
Still wonder how he could've died though..
Maybe he forgot to eat? And drink maybe? I don't know
I miss him

But oh well, all good things end one day. And I can still visit him!! So he isn't completely lost, thankfully.

Maybe that little guy is a bit like my friend!! Confident and nice to the people around him, always willing to help.
He seems like that!

Oh how I hope to figure out this name.

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