Chapter 1- Kenma.

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A young man, on the floor, he was bleeding severely.  He was 18 years old, that time should be when your free. But for him it was a continuation of torture he just couldn't seem to escape, a hell he didn't know started until the pain hit him, hard. 

The man's name was Kenma Kozume, no one really knew of his existence,  other than his current torturer also known as his boyfriend Ryu, and his workers. He never knew when Ryu changed. Kenma remembered falling in love with a sweet, kind, and loving man. The man who struggled for 3 months asking Kenma on a date every day. 

But obviously he wasn't that person anymore. So now, he's stuck in hell. Unable to see the light.


The young boy sat on his and Ryu's bed, bandaged where he had been cut, to not bleed on the grey bedsheets. Ryu was already showering in the bathroom that connected to their bedroom.  The workers made Kenma shower the night before so he just changed into his 'uniform ' as Ryu said.

Kenma lazily got up and tied his hair into a low  ponytail, and slipped on the short pink skirt and Sailor shirt, known as his uniform. He then grabbed his white knee high socks the were folded for him on the nightstand on the left side of the bed. After he finished putting on the socks he put on black dress shoes. 

Then he waited by the bathroom door as he was always instructed to.

After about 5 minutes, Ryu came out in black sweatpants and a purple shirt. He looked at Kenma and smiled at him. "Good morning baby." Ryu said still smiling, happy that Kenma continued to follow his orders.

Kenma gave him a small smile before responding in a fake happy tone "Good morning Ryu!" Ryu nodded and put his arm around Kenma's shoulder guiding him to his dining room where one of his workers whistled at Kenma. Ryu didn't  really care, he just dragged Kenma to the dining table where Ryu sat down and put Kenma on his lap.

Kenma never thought of leaving Ryu, because the only thing he could do well was be a man servant and game, but he couldn't make a living off of that. His depressing thoughts were interrupted by Ryu.

"So, how did you sleep? I tucked you in" he said with a big creepy smile on his face. Kenma returned his smile with a softer one. "I slept great Ryu! Thank you for asking!" Kenma in his mind was rolling his eyes and burning him with a random flamethrower. 

They continued to make small talk until Ryu got inpatient waiting for his breakfast to be ready, so after about 10 minutes, he started yelling.

"HEY. NEWBIES IN THE KITCHEN HURRY THIS SH** UP." When he yelled the door to the kitchen opened, and when it opened a girl who looked younger than Kenma walked out of the kitchen with a tall man with pitch black hair covering one of his eyes came out with the food meant for Ryu.

Ryu then softened his tone realizing who the newbies were. "Ken Ken, I forgot to tell you, this  cute small girl here is Hitoka Yachi, and that is Tetsurou Kuroo. They're around our age so these will be your friends, whether you like it or not." He said saying the last part harshly. Kenma nodded and asked for permission to talk with his new 'friends' in the living room. Ryu agreed with Kenma and sent the 3 to the living room.


Once all three of them were situated on the couch, Kenma immediately took out his switch and started playing super smash bros. Yachi looked at him and said "So is your name Ken Ken? Or is that a nickname-" Kenma without bothering looking up from his video game said "My name is Kenma." Yachi nodded and stayed silent.

When Yachi went silent Kuroo took that opportunity to ask questions.

"So why is there so many guys working here?" Kuroo said somehow not knowing what he worked for. Kenma once again didn't look up and said "They're a group of terrorists and bombers, sometimes they ask for ransom which is how Ryu how gets so much money."

Kuroo completely ignored the fact that they were now working for terrorists.  

"So what's your job?" 

Kenma turned of his switch and looked Kuroo straight in the eye. 

"My job is to pleasure him, and to let him hurt me to feed his sadistic side." me..(KuroKen, Kuroo X Kenma story)Where stories live. Discover now