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Scott's POV

            Well, today wasn't terrible. Will ended up being sick and had to miss today. However, that didn't stop everyone from tripping, pushing, laughing, and sneering at me. There was one good thing about it and that was James. I don't know it's like...it's like ever since we were put on that assignment in chemistry, he's become...nicer. I know it's only until all the assignments are over, but I'm going to enjoy it. Although, I'm not looking forward to James coming to my house. What will my mom say? What will she do? Please, just don't be home.

            All my classes went by fast except for English. Mr. Vivaldi started a long lecture about Scout and Jem's connection and their connection with Atticus. James and I didn't really pay attention. Instead, we passed notes back and forth; talking about music mainly. I learned he also liked Maroon 5, Imagine Dragons, OneRepublic, and Evanescence. The bell rang and we headed to my bus to head home. "So, ready to head to your place," James asks.

            "I guess," I say.

            The bus ride was filled with James and me talking about our thoughts on To Kill a Mockingbird. Suddenly, James' cellphone rings. James pulls it out and answers it. "Hello," James says. "Hey Will." James stays smiling and then changes to frown. "Sorry, I can't come up. I have to help mom with some things. Maybe another time. Okay? Okay. Later."

            James hangs up his phone and puts it back in his pocket. "Why'd you lie to him," I say with a sad face.

            "I just don't want to deal with him today," James says. "He won't stop bothering me with you and I being partners. Honestly, I don't really care. Plus, the more time I'm with you, the less I have to deal with him."

            "Really," I ask. "What's so special about me? I'm not unique in any shape or form."

            "I know," James says. Ouch! "But...there's got to be something. So, I'm going to try and find it."

            "Good luck finding it," I say. "I can't even find anything special about me. I'm just a loser."

            "Scott...you," James says.

            "We're here," I say, cutting him off. "Let's go."

            I get up and walk off the bus and see that mom's car isn't in the driveway. Thank God!Although, now James has to deal with my pitiful house of a home.

            I walk up to my front door with James behind me. I unlock my front door and walk in. "Well, um. Welcome to my house," I say. "I know it's nothing special like your magnificent mansion, but..."

            "No, I like this," James says. "I wish my house was like this. Simple."

            "Th-Thank you," I say.

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