The Spot

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Scott's POV

After talking with James, I headed out of the building. My mind raced, replaying that moment over and over. Why would James want to be my friend? I walk outside and look around for Rachel and Seth. The search was short as I see Rachel jumping up and down while waving he arms wildly. I smirked at her energy. Glancing over, I saw she was beside a black Toyota. Looking closer, I see Seth was sitting in the driver's seat with his hands on the stirring wheel.

I start walking over to them causing Seth to make eye contact with me. With a smile on his face, I watch as the Toyota roars to life. I never was I huge cars person, but I did admire the sound of the Toyota coming alive. Rachel rushes up to me and gives me a tight hug. Some of my bones popped from the strength of the hug. For such a petite girl, she was wickedly strong. Never judge a book by its cover, I guess.

"R-Rachel, I can't breathe," I squeak out, trying to get some air.

Rachel instantly lets go. Color returns to my face as I take in a huge amount of air while Rachel's face beams red. "Sorry, I forget how strong I am sometimes," she utters, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, don't get her mad or you'll end up with a black eye," Seth shouts from the car.

"Shut up or you'll get another one," Rachel threatens. I look over to see Seth raising his hands up in surrender. "Better."

Without another word, we pile into the car and drive off to Rachel and Seth's house. It felt odd having friends; to be able to go somewhere and not get mocked or bullied at. A chill goes up my spine thinking about Will. I stare out the window in the backseat as a blur of trees, bushes, and houses come and go. I wasn't looking at anything really. I wasn't even seeing the blurred images that went by. I just sat there, staring out into nothingness. Waiting for something to go wrong...or rather hoping.

"Scott," Rachel says, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look over at her, seeing a concerned look on her face. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I tell her. "Just thinking."

"What are you thinking about," Seth asks.

"Nothing special," I respond. "We almost there?"

"Yeah, just a couple more minutes," Seth answers.

I look over to Rachel and see she has a worried look on her. "Rachel, everything's fine," I say, trying to ease her concern.

"Okay, but if you need someone to talk to, we'll be here," she says.

"That's right," Seth retorts, nodding his head.

"Thanks," I say with a smile.

Rachel nods her head with a small smile on her face as she turns around to face the road. After a few minutes of complete silence, we pull up to a small brick house with flowers outlining the house. Looking closely, I could see roses, lilies, and tulips. Some were fully bloomed while others were still budding. We stop and park on the gravel driveway. We get out and head inside. As we walk in, I see a woman in a lovely light blue dress and curly brown hair. She turns around and see she has stunning blue eyes and shining white teeth. She was a stout woman who had a bubbly face with rosy cheeks. The second she sees me, her face breaks into a big smile. "Who's this," she asks with a happy tone.

"Mom, this is Scott," Seth responds. Looking at her and then at Rachel and Seth, you wouldn't believe they were related.

"Hello Scott," she says, walking over and shaking my hand.

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