Forget Me Not

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Finding one woman in the swirl of activity in Alamo as everyone was getting ready for fighting was far more challenging than Tyson initially assumed. Although Lorelai wasn't dressed the same as everyone else, the hub of activity made it difficult to find her.

"What do we do now? Wouldn't she have bailed by now?" Marcus asked, getting tired of the search.

"I don't think so. Lorelai could have stolen those things from me without getting you involved. There must have been a specific reason that she did that," Beor said.

"Maybe she wants something from us specifically?" Tyson speculated.

"If she wants something, why doesn't she just come and get it?" Marcus said, exasperated.

"Because not everyone has your preference for a direct approach. People usually plan ahead, employ specific tactics to get what they want," Tyson said.

The confusion on Marcus's face wasn't a surprise to Tyson as his friend often needed to be told things directly, and he rarely planned anything. He was mostly doing things impulsively without stopping to think about the consequences.

"But why?" Marcus asked like a small child eager to learn more about the world around it.

"Marcus, think about it. We are three strong men. She can't fight us or steal from us now that we know that she is against us. She needs to find another way to get whatever it is that she is after," Tyson said.

"I see," Marcus said, although Tyson wasn't sure that he really did as tactics weren't his strong point.

"I think we should split up," Beor said.

"Oh, no. I've learned my lesson. I am not about to leave Marcus alone. Bad things happen when I do," Tyson said.

"Fine, then you two go that way, and I'll go this way," Beor said, clearly annoyed.

"Alright, let's meet back here and be careful about any stray bullets as I don't remember how exactly the fighting went on before the final battle," Tyson said.

"Fine," Beor said dismissively.

There was something in his attitude that Tyson didn't really like. Yet, he was aware that he didn't have allies to choose from. Thus, he decided not to dwell on it as it seemed to have more to do with the guy's emotional state than with what they were about to do.

"Do you trust that guy?" Marcus asked the moment they were out of earshot. "You don't really trust the guy who tried to beat me up?"

It was clear that Marcus was resentful towards Beor, and Tyson could acknowledge that. Still, he trusted the guy enough not to worry about him stabbing them in the back.

"Honestly, at this point, I don't trust anyone. Having faith in people can only lead to disappointment," Tyson said, remembering why he agreed to go with Marcus to that fateful party in the first place.

He was feeling betrayed by everyone and everything but especially his family, who didn't seem to care in the slightest about his emotions, about his well-being. That very night he told his family about his success in his studies and his plans for his life only for them to say that being a history teacher was 'something that everyone could do'.

"You trust me, don't you?" Marcus asked.

That question was far more complicated for Tyson to answer than Marcus realized because he knew that Marcus would never purposefully betray him. However, having in mind that Marcus often lacked filter when talking with anyone had led to him revealing some things he shouldn't have in the past and so Tyson couldn't put complete trust in him.

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