Chapter 1

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Y/N Pov

I look at the clock and not paying attention to the teacher as i excitedly wait for lunch to start. The teacher was talking about the anatomy of the human body and was going out in detail about the digestive track and all about those good bacterias that resides there

But i already knew that

Lactic Acid Bacteria help the body with immunity, digestion, getting rid of excessive nutrients (purines), and activation of dendritic cells by making polysaccharides. Some even help rebuild the Intestinal Lining

Yada yada yada, i dont want to know information that i already know

Soon, i jolt up in excitement as the bell rang which can be heard throughout the school and it signals that class was partially over and it is lunch time!

I pack up my things like the rest of my classmates, putting my notebook on my bag and arranging my pen and putting them in a separate section of my bag. Going outside my classroom with wallet inside my pockets, i came to greet a friend of mine, Fuutarou Uesugi

He was on line with a tray and i grab one for myself and went besides him

Fuutarou Uesugi, a nerd in this school that is a total perfectionist in every aspect of his grades. He's a great friend of mine since we were little but we're not in the same class

Y/N: Fuutarou! Whats up!

Fuutarou: Ah, Y/N. Its you

Y/N: Is that how you really greet a buddy of yours?

As the line gets closer and closer to the end, i look at the menu and sigh as food was all the same as everyday, i wish there was some variety to it that can spark up new flavors

Y/N: Dry braised salted fish, please

Fuutarou: I'll have the barbecue beef combo but without the beef

Lunch Lady: Alright, here you go you two. Enjoy

I accepted the dish from the lunch lady and begin to talk towards our typical table that we always eat. I look at Fuutarou's plate and felt a little upset that he lacked any fine taste for food

Y/N: You know, i can treat you if you want. Hell, cook you free meal

Fuutarou: Last time you cooked meal to the delinquent, you put laxatives on it, hell no, im not falling for that

I gave an akward laugh as my prank for the delinquents for messing with Fuutarou ended with them being busy at the boy's classroom for half an hour which was pretty funny for everyone. Im quite a schemer if you can say

Welp, that was 5 months ago and both of us will never forget about that prank

Y/N: Hmm, if not a meal then probably dessert, you want Sakura Mochi?

Sakura Mochi. A delicate and elegant snack. The dark green leaf adds complexity to the overall warm color palette. Just looking at it gives you a sense of its quiet beauty. 'Tis a shame that its lovely flavor is like a blooming flower in transience yet do not let that dissuade you from taking a bite

Y/N: I made 4 for us so we get 2 each. How about that?

Fuutarou: Tsk, fine, i'll have one

And as we approach our usual place, instead of 2 trays being put on the table, there was an additional tray landing on our place, both me and Fuutarou looked at who was trying to get our place and we saw a girl with reddish-orange hair and dark blue eyes. She wore a pair of star-shaped near both of her eyes

Y/N: U-Umm...

???: I got here first. The table next to me is unoccupied, please move

Fuutarou: But this is where we eat lunch everyday

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