You won't hurt me (Liam)

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You were sitting in a chair by liam and he was playing some game. You got really bored and liam wasn't paying attention to you so you went to talk to Jared and Melanie (random names) but they were leaving and you were gonna go with them. When you turned to see if liam even looked up and noticed you were gone he wasn't there. You shrugged and opened the door but before you could get in you felt a pair of arms around your waist and a familiar scent. Liam.

"Where do you think your going" he asked

"Well I though i was gonna go with Jared and Melanie to get food but I guess I'm not"



"cuz your gonna stay and cuddle with me" he said with a smirk on his face as he backed up from the car.

"I also need a little help "

when he told you that they had already gone and you got what he meant. You looked up the day on my phone and saw it was in fact a full moon today.

"OK let's just cuddle till I have to chain you up "

"Your not gonna call scott" he asked worried

"I don't need my brother to help me with everything, I'm a big girl " you said

"besides you won't hurt me"

"ya I won't but the monster inside me will" you put your hand on his cheek

"liam, wear wolf or not you won't hurt me" he looked so worried that he was going to to something but you knew he wouldn't.

"Hey,hey look at me you're not a monster" he slowly looked up at you

"it's gonna be okay" you said "do you want to hurt me" he looked at you weird

"of course not "

"Than don't."

He looked back up at you and gave you a little nod. He leaned in and gave you a slow and passionate kiss. The moon was coming out and liam stepped back grunting

"get the cha-" he grunted again, you heard a low growl and you knew you had to chain him up like right now.

"Oh shit"

you grabbed the chains and chained him to the wall in the basement with some effort, because of how strong he was and him being a wear wolf was not helping.

"Y/N get out of here" he grunted again pulling at the chains

"now, I don't want to hurt you"

he said looking at you, eyes glowing yellow, fangs and claws out, one of his hands broke free from the chains. He tried to claw at you and got your arm a little. You were a little scared but you knew he wouldn't hurt you. At least not on purpose.

"Get out of here" he growled

"no I'm staying right here" you took a step closer to him.

"Liam listen to me, I'm not going to leave you" he looked up at you "not now not ever"

He looked away and growled. He broke out of the other chain and he charged at you. You ducked and ran the other way, he clawed and growled at you. He ran up to you and pushed you up against the wall.

"LIAM, Your not a monster" he fought his inner wear wolf and backed up taking his human form again. He stood crouched trying to catch his breath. You helped him up

"I told you, you wouldn't hurt me" he chuckled and hugged you shaking.

You hugged back even tighter as he buried his face in you neck. He touched the wound on your arm and you yelped

"what is it"

"no its nothing you just got me a little on my arm I'll be fine" he saw the four scratches on your arm and looked hurt

"I did that to you"

"Liam I'm fine, I'll live."

"I'm so sorry Y/N" he said as he hugged you more careful of your arm this time.

"I love you" he said as he pulled away from the hug and cupped your cheeks. You smiled and grabbed his jacket

"I love you too wolfie" he smiled and pulled you in for a kiss.

Dylan sprayberry/Liam dunbar imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now