The King

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<Pudding Cup's PoV>

The prince stands awkwardly next to me, wringing his hands. I had splashed some water on my face and changed into the clothes the prince had given me a couple minutes ago, and we were waiting for Parasol to do the same. We both stare a hole into the bathroom door as it remains closed, Parasol not making a single noise from within.

The silence between us is unbearable as we avoid looking at each other's face, watching the door like it's the most interesting thing in the world.

I grimace slightly before gathering enough courage and breathing in.

"Do you... know what happened. To me?" I ask the prince, avoiding his eyes. My father told me it was disrespectful to look royalty in the eyes until you've done the standard greeting. Even then, you had to be of a certain status to look royalty in the eyes. 

He becomes visibly uncomfortable, grinding his heel into the ground.

"Uh... yeah. But I think Parasol's plan is to just gradually earn your trust and then tell you things so that you believe us," he tells me, cracking his knuckles nervously.

I stare ahead at the door.

"Could you tell me? I won't ridicule you or anything. I just... I want to know. I can't remember anything at all. I'll listen, whatever you have to say," I tell him. I have to find out as much as I can.


He becomes quiet, rubbing his face with one hand. He laughs dryly, but his eyes are wide and his smile is forced.

"Haha, it's kind of--"

The bathroom door slams open and Parasol stands in the doorway, looking refreshed and clean. She somehow completely got rid of the tiredness in her eyes, her bun perfectly in place again. 

"Okay! Let's get going."

"Yes. Let's," his majesty responds immediately, looking relieved.

I groan internally, wondering what the prince was about to say. 

Kind of? Kind of what?

Despite my frustration, we follow the prince as he exits his room, heading to wherever his father is.

"You really couldn't have picked a better time to barge out...?" I whisper to Parasol, frustrated even though I knew it wasn't her fault.

"Huh?" she asks cluelessly, leaning toward me slightly with her hands in her pockets.

"Nothing," I tell her, sighing.


<Parasol's PoV>

Really, the last thing the prince needs is an interrogation about one of the worst mistakes he had ever made in his life, ESPECIALLY when he made said mistake only about a day ago. I wasn't a huge fan of him due to his untrustworthy "easily blinded by love" nature, but even so, I don't wish for any harm upon him. Putting him in the most stable mental headspace will be beneficial not only for him, but us too.

I watch him walk stiffly, his face tired, the horror and stress from last night having been not very kind to him.

The best mental headspace we can get him to be, especially after all of that.

What I went through from a couple hours ago's events could hardly even compare to what happened to these two, but I still feel like I would be needing at least a year of therapy now.

Sorry Pudding Cup, I know you went through the same thing and you hate having things kept from you, but I think I'll have to protect the prince this time around. 

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