You're all I have.

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 Lifty stomped onto the soft snow and walked away from the house he and his twin shared. The cold air blew past his cheeks, stroking it swiftly and felt as sharp as a knife, his scarf floated behind him and flapped around. His face was shriveled in anger, he had gotten into another argument with Shifty as usual. Lifty would always stomp off into his room after those heated debates, but this time, Shifty just crossed the line. Lifty was on the brink of tears, but he forced them back. His brother didn't deserve those dew drops of emotion, he knew that, but as soon as he sat behind a tree near at the lake, he held his head low and broke down hard.

"Fucking Shift, man." He rubbed his hand over his face and covered his mouth, at least trying to gain back the effort from before and stop himself from choking out a strangled sob.

I could care less if you died, hell, why don't you go do it?

He sniffled, letting his tears drop to the ground. How could he say that? Did he really not give a shit about him? Why on Earth did he choose to stay with him if all he did was use him and make him feel like utter shit? The breeze passed by again, making Liftys river trails feel cooler than before. He shivered, feeling chiller by the second, he really should've brought a coat with him instead of just a scarf. Now he was probably gonna freeze to death. But hell, why should it matter to anyone? Why should he care? He always relied on his brother about everything, if he were to tell him that no one gave a shit about him then of course he'd believe it. Like fuck, everyone around here despised the two for stealing their shit, of could they wouldn't give a fuck about them dying completely if they could.

Lifty sighed, huddling up at an attempt to keep warm. It probably wasn't the best idea to barge out of the house in the middle of winter with a snow storm heading their way, but Lifty couldn't bring himself to give a shit right now. He was bathing himself in his own sorrows, and that only succeedes in making him more cold. To have his own brother tell him to piss off and die somewhere,oh what a wonderful life.

Lifty closed his eyes, breathing in the chilly winds that dared make contact beneath his skin. He dug his chin deeper into the scarf and drew his legs closer in to his chest,  wrapping his tail around him and lowering his ears to his head. He continued to weep silently to himself and listen to the nearly harsh wind brush against their ears.

".. Hey, Lift." His ear twitched suddenly as he heard a voice slightly deeper than his beside him. He almost felt the guy staring at him, then he felt him brush against him as he sat down next to him. Lifty remained silent, ignoring his twin and keeping his head down so he won't have to look at his cocky fucking face. He swore to god if he were to see it again he'd punch him square in the face.

".. So, nice weather we're having today, huh bro?" Are you fucking kidding me.

Shifty was never good at apologizing seeing as he hardly did that at all, but he was worse at trying to understand others feelings, it was practically why he stole from people. Lifty was raised into doing it, yet was more sensitive than Shifty ever was, but always followed his brother's lead since he didn't know who else he could.

"Lifty," The younger twin heard Shifty once more. "Goddammit, Lift. Why the fuck are you so goddamn mad?" Shify grabbed his twins arm hastily, causing Lifty to snap his head up and shoot out daggers.

"Oh, I'm not fucking mad, Shift." He spoke out in an irritated as fuck tone. "I'M FUCKING OUTRAGED!"

He headbutt his brother on the forehead, suprising the older one and knocking him back to the ground, Lifty pinning him. Shifty struggled beneath him and was trying to get him off, which he had succeeded in doing and threw his brother onto the ground, now being in control of the situation and keeping him down so he wouldn't try anymore shit.

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