Bridge Diving

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We stood at the edge of the bridge. "Do I have to?" Brandon had asked scared.

"Of course you have to it's the dare, unless you're too chicken." I replied.

"Okay, can you just give me that beer so I can just have some confidence?" Brandon asked with a shaky voice.

"Sure." I told him as I tossed him the bottle. He then chugged it all.

"I'm ready now." He said as he stepped up to the edge. He then jumped into the freezing water.

I ran down to under the bridge to wait for him. He has been in there for a couple minutes and still hasn't come up yet. I'm starting to get a little worried.

Just as I was going to scream his name, he popped his head up out of the water and started to swim towards me. 

"Dude that was so cold! I'm never doing that again!" He yelled.

"What took you so long?" I asked in wonder.

"I'm not sure. It was as if I was lost and just couldn't find my way. We really should of done this during the daytime so I could of at least been able to see." He replied getting a little angry by the end.

"Well you made it out fine, didn't you?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess I did." Brandon replied not really interested in the conversation anymore.

"Well let's just head to my house now, it's getting dark out."

"Okay, lead the way."

Brandon had stayed over at my house all weekend and now we had to go to school. We walked into the school and people kept staring at me.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked Brandon.

"No." He answered after looking over my face.

"Well then why is everyone staring at me?" 

"I don't know maybe because you're talking to yourself?" Brandon told me.

"What do you mean? I'm not talking to myself." I replied quite irritated.

"Never mind." He replied as he walked to his locker.

After we both gathered our books for our morning classes we started to walk to class. We sat down in our usual seats which are right next to each other.

The teacher walked into the classroom, stood at the front of the room, and stared at us all sadly. 

"I have some very awful news to tell you all." He said as he looked me in the eyes. "Well this morning your classmate Brandon's body was found under the bridge." He continued to talk, but I ignored it all. 

I looked at the desk next to me where Brandon is sitting. "What is he talking about, you're right here?" I asked Brandon. 

"No, I'm not. I drowned when I jumped off that bridge. I'm dead Scott, I'm dead." He replied.

"Why, why didn't you say anything?" I asked as the tears formed in my eyes, ready to fall.

"You had to find out on your own. Don't worry I don't blame you, it's not your fault." He said as he gave me a sad smile. "I have to go now, please move on and don't be sad about my death."

He then vanished as I fell to the ground and cried like I've never cried before. "No! You can't do this to me! Bring him back!" I screamed as I looked up towards the ceiling. 

I think I passed out at some point because I awoke and I was no longer on the ground of the classroom, but on the ground somewhere else. 

"Dude wake up!" Someone had hollered at me and it sounded like Brandon, there is no way it was him. 

I looked up and it was him, but how? "How is this possible?" I asked terribly confused. 

"How is what possible?" He asked half confused and half amused.

"Everything going on right now."

"Dude, you've been passed out for the past five minutes. What are you even talking about?" He asked really confused now.

"Wait, how did I pass out?"

"Well there was this drinking contest and I think you drank too much because next thing I know, you're falling to floor unconscious."

So it was all a dream. Wait, it was all a dream! He's still alive! I thought as I jumped up to hug him. As I was about to hug him everything started to fade away. 

I opened up my eyes to see that I was in the nurses office. What's going on? I was just at that party. Why am I at the nurses office? 

"Hey there sweetie. Are you okay? You passed out in class, but that's understandable due to the situation." The school nurse asked kindly.

"What situation?" I asked completely confused.

"Well like you were told in class, your friend's body was found this morning."

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