Abandoned Hospital

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"It all started when John and James, the twins, had come over to my house and explained their plan to me. We then gathered our two other friends, Lucy and Zoey, and explained the plan to them. The plan was to sneak into the old abandoned hospital, take some photos, and then get out of there before we got caught.

We left our houses at 10:00pm and we met up at the park that is by all of our houses. When we all were there at the park, we made sure we had all our supplies and we put James in charge of taking the photos. We then headed on our way to the hospital.

It took us about twenty minutes of walking in the dark to reach the hospital, but when we finally got there it was all worth it.

We crawled in through a broken window and began our adventure, but what we didn't know was that it was going to end very badly.

The girls were a little scared, while the twins were acting all tough and brave to impress them.

We had been walking through the hallways of the hospital for about fifteen minutes when Zoey noticed that the twins weren't with us. We had all gotten a little scared, especially when we heard them scream.

We ran through the hallways aimlessly searching for them when we found blood. The smell was awful and there was just so much blood everywhere. It was on the ground, the walls, I think I even saw some blood on the ceiling somehow.

There was a trail of the blood that led into a room, so we followed it. In the room was John laying on the ground lifeless.

We were all scared so we ran to the exit. Maybe we could get some help we had thought, but when we got to the doors they wouldn't open. We all three had pulled on the doors, but no matter how much strength we put into it, they would not open.

We turned around about to go and find the broken window we got in through when there was a figure, covered in blood.

The figure had laughed when it saw how scared all three of us were. Lucy tried to ask it what it wanted, but it just laughed more when it heard the fear in her voice.

The figure walked closer and closer and it had a knife in it's hand. Not just any knife, but one covered in blood. The figure approached Lucy and Zoey, who were huddled together, and it killed them. It just stabbed and sliced away at them while they screamed. It held them in place to where they couldn't run and all I did was stand there, frozen in my spot unable to move.

I had finally gotten the courage and ran out of there and found the broken window. I ran down the streets as fast as I could until I got here. I just wish that my friends would of survived too." I said to the cop as I finished my story.

"But James survived, remember? He arrived here a couple of minutes after you and he's been telling his side of the story to another cop." The man in front of me told me as I smiled at the good news.

Another cop walked into the room and whispered something into the ear of the cop who was questioning me. He then handed him some photos that were smeared with blood. He looked at the photos, wiped off some of the blood to get a closer look, and then looked up at me. He kept looking at the photos and then at me.

"What's going on?" I asked, ready for answers.

The cop didn't say anything and just pulled out some handcuffs. He walked behind me and made me stand up as he put the handcuffs on me saying, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense."

"What's going on? Why are you handcuffing me? I didn't do anything!" I screamed at the cops.

The cop that had entered the room with the photos said that James had told him everything and that the proof was all in the photos. He also said that those were the photos that James had taken while we were in the hospital.

I looked down at the photos on the table and I couldn't believe what I saw.

The figure...it was me.


This chapter is dedicated to masonbetz216 for being the first to suggest a story that takes place in an abandoned hospital.

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