Explanation and new friends.

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--(y/n)s Pov--

"My name is Ozpin, and you are on remnant."

The grey haired man now known as Ozpin says. He then picks up a mug and drinks whatever is in there.

"Sorry where are my manners, would you like anything to drink?"

"Water please."

Nodding he goes and grabs a glass, the sound of running water is heard and he comes back with a mug similar to his own and hands it too me.


I grab the mug and end up drinking all of the water, setting the mug down I decide to ask Ozpin some questions.

"Can you explain what Remnant is, and how the hell I got here?"

I ask getting smile from the man Infront of me.

"Me and my colleagues will answer any questions you may have, but for now rest."

Unable to get anymore answers out of him he leaves and I try to get whatever sleep I can. Opening my eyes I found myself floating in a black void, as I float there a purple glow is seen. Its glow growing brighter every moment until it's gone, then a figure with purple skin and ram horns appears towering over me. The sound of a faint whisper is heard, growing louder Every second before it's turns into someone shouting my name.

Jolting awake I look to see Ozpin with two other people, one with blonde hair, tied into a bun, green eyes, black skirt, purple cape, and shirt that exposes most of her chest with a riding crop in her hand. The other man had black hair and pale red eyes he also wore a pair of black dress shirt and shoes, grey dress shirt,  and a tattered red cloak. And had What looked to be some sort of weapon on his back.

"Good morning (y/n) you had me quite concerned for a moment."


Before Ozpin could speak the black haired man stepped forward and interrupted Ozpin.

"You refused to wake up kid, he was calling your name for at least four minutes."

'four minutes?'

"Now now, give him a moment, (y/n) can you put your shoes on and follow us we have much to discuss."

Sitting up from the bed I grab my shoes and put them on, following the others I'm led to an elevator stepping in we wait in silence before the ding is heard and the doors open. Stepping out Ozpin waves to a seat and sits down with me following his example, everyone but the two unknown people continue to stand.

"Now I owe you some answers well here they are, Remnant Is a planet that involves magic, dust and two gods me and my colleagues goals are to destroy an evil woman named Salem who controls this planets natural enemy known as grimm."

At this point the blonde woman who doesn't seem to like me interjects.

"Ozpin are you telling him everything? we don't even know who he is!"

She exclaims, Ozpin then turns to the woman and speaks.

"Yes I know, while we don't know him he knows nothing about us where he is, and why he is here. The only person besides me who knows why this young man is here is Qrow who I asked a favor from."

Glynda turns to face the black haired man who I now know as Qrow.

"Why is it that you trusted to tell a drunk about the situation and not involve me?"

She questioned she was mad and it was obvious.

"The reason why Glynda is because I need Qrow to train the young man."

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