Chapter 3: Borderline Civil Conversations.

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As I was sitting in my room, relaxing after that relatively climactic day, I decided to pull my phone out.

Once I swiped the lock screen, it lit up to show my contacts list. What the hell? I never opened this. I saw that a new contact had been added to my phone.


My god. Who is Benedict? Then realization dawned on me, causing my eyes to widen in shock and horror. Tom had called Mr. Cumberbatch, Benedict.

Had Mr. Cumberbatch entered his number into my phone? This had to be illegal, but I couldn't find it in myself to call the police. I couldn't bare to jeopardize his life on that sort of level.

Why would he put his number in my phone? Surly he had good reason, maybe he does this for all of his students.

'No he doesn't! He's attracted to you, you fucking idiot.' My conscious shouted at me. No. He cant be.

I couldn't help but think about the way his blue-green eyes shimmered when the light hit them. I thought about the weird glint in his eyes when I was chatting with Tom. Was that jealousy? Surly not.

Should I text him? What would I say? I should text him and see why he did it. What if he was attracted to me, and this was his way of trying to start a relationship? I don't want a relationship with him! He's far too old for me, not to mention he's a teacher. Granted he was attractive, but that was not what I needed.

What I needed was to text him and set things straight. I made up my mind and tapped the contact. I typed out a message, and after a moment of hesitation I hit send.

'Hey, why did you put your number in my phone? ~AG'

I nervously waited for what felt like an eternity, before my phone buzzed.

'Hello, Aspen. I have taken the liberty of entering my contact into your cellphone. I did this so you could have help if you needed any for homework, or what have you. ~BC'

So thats why he did it. For some reason I wasn't satisfied with what he said.

'Thats because he's lying to you!' My conscious screamed at me. No. Was he really?

'Really now? Do you do this for all of your students? ~AG' I typed out, and sent.

'No, not necessarily. I only do it for the ones who I feel deserve it xx ~BC'

What does that mean? And why did he put kisses at the end of his message?! Maybe he doesn't know what they mean! Yeah that has to be it. I sent another message.

'How many have you deemed worthy of your phone number, sir? ~AG'

'.......Hmmmm. Only one so far xx ~BC'

What? No. Stop. More kisses. What the fuck? That sounded flirtatious, but maybe I'm misinterpreting it.

'So I'm the only one you find worthy? ~AG'

'Undoubtedly ;) xx ~BC'

NO! Don't send me winky faces! This is not okay. By any means, whatsoever.

Before I could so much as think of a response my phone was ringing. Benedict's contact flashed across the screen, and I almost gasped. Was I ready to talk to him like that yet?

I swiped the screen, and drew in a shaky breath.


"Hello, Ms. Grey" His deep, silky voice came over the speaker and I felt myself blush deeply.

"You called?" I asked shakily.

I heard the deep rumble of a chuckle come from his end of the line, before he finally hummed a response.

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