Chapter 6: Addams Family and Unexpected visitors.

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"Oh my fucking god, that movie was hilarious!" Ricky barked out with laughter, and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"You do know that that was supposed to be a horror movie right?" I shook my head at his behavior.

"Im fully aware! C'mon you know you laughed too when the demon kept making the elevator come back down!" He pushed my shoulder, causing me to laugh as well.

"Okay I admit that was pretty fucking funny." I grinned.

"Knew it! So lets go back to your lair, shall we?" He grinned, his black eyeshadow standing out against his pale flesh. Here comes the fun part of the night.

"Indeed we shall, Wiener Boy." We both cracked up in fits of giggles as we made our way to my car. We hopped in, and nearly blew my speakers blasting Marilyn Manson.

Once we arrived back at my place I nearly sprinted inside, flinging my door open with Ricky following close behind. We ran straight up to my room, and slammed the bedroom door. Sure we were being loud, but we didn't give a shit, its not like my mom was there. Even if she was though, she wouldn't give it any mind. My mother is pretty cool.

Ricky immediately plugged his phone into my docking station, and music began to blare from my speakers. The song that echoed through the room was, "Dragula" by Rob Zombie, so I cranked it up even louder.


We danced, if you could even call it that, for about an hour and a half until a loud knocking sound resonated through my house. Who the hell would dare to interrupt our dance party?! Peasant.

I quickly ran downstairs, and just as the person knocked again, I swung the door open. I nearly died laughing, but suddenly it wasn't funny anymore once I caught sight of who it was.

"Can you pl- oh. Aspen?" Mr. Cumberbatch's voice hit my ears, sending a sickly shiver down my spine. Son of a bitch, do I ever get a break?! I almost had half the mind to slam the door in his face, but I wanted to know why he was at my house.

"Yes?" I raised an eyebrow, not really enjoying his presence, and rather annoyed.

"I apparently live two doors down, and I can hear your music quite clearly. I can only imagine how our next door neighbors feel. Would you mind turning it down a bit? Im trying to grade papers." He asked, a hint of accusation clear in his tone.

"Fine. One second." I left the door open a crack and ran to the staircase.

"RICKY!" I screamed at the raven haired male upstairs. "RICHARD ALLEN OLSEN THE THIRD!"

"Yesss, mother dearest?!" He called in a mocking tone. I giggled lightly and shouted at him to turn the music down. Soon enough the music had been lowered quite a bit, and I walked back over to the door. Benedict was still waiting there, but whether it was patiently or not, I have not a clue.


"Yes, but who's Ricky?" He inquired, jealousy dripping from his words.

"Not that its any of your business, but he's a friend." I spat bitterly. I could see rage visibly flare up in his eyes, and I got a little scared.

"It is my business, darling. I wont repeat it again. You. Are. Mine. You know this already." His eyes darkened, and he stepped closer to me. I felt my hands began to tremble, half from rage, and half from fear.

"No. Im not." I argued, "I don't want this." By now my voice was shaking.

"Stop denying it, my love. You are in denial, you know you want this." He whispered into my ear, his voice smooth and velvety. At the end of his statement he nipped at my earlobe, his hot breath against the flesh of my neck. I felt a my cheeks flush red, and I lowered my head.

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