Chapter 7

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Holy crap guys. The block that was drowning me was finally untied and was able to write this. I hope you enjoy.

"What movie do you want to watch.?" Kevin asked Edd who was sitting on the couch. Kevin was looking through the shelf full of movie cases."Any movie is fine, really." "Hmmm ok." He put in Dead Silence and walked into the kitchen. "Do you want a soda or something.?" "Water would be nice, thank you." Edd was polite, always, no matter what people did or said to him.

Somewhere along the first thisty minutes Kevin lost interest in the movie and decided to put his arm around Edd. Edd didnt mind, he was glad actually. He clung onto Kevin for dear life. Kevin couldn't stop staring at Edd who was looking at the TV. Terrified.

Mary Shaw pops up and Edd didnt want to scream so he burrys his face in Kevin's chest. Kevin blushes but smiles. He grabs the remote and pauses the movie. The room is dark, the only light source is the TV, but its very dim. Kevin places his index finger under Edd's chin and lifts his face so their eyes meet. They stay like that for a while, just staring into each others eyes. Both of them blushing.

Unconsciously Edd started leaning in. Until their lips brushed lightly against each other. Kevin felt his chest tighten with each motion. Finally Kevin reacted and fully placed his lips on Edd's. Both of them fully enjoying the kiss. Edd wraps his arms around Kevin's neck and leans his head to the side. Kevin put his hands on Edd's hips as he leyed him down on the couch. He didn't want to take things too char without Edd's consent, but damn everything if he wasn't going to make this kiss as enjoyable as he possibly could.

After what seemed like a life time they broke the kiss, gasping for air. Kevin pecked Edd's lips once more and continued to hver above him. He caressed Edd's cheek while they looked each other in the eye. "Hey Edd," Kevin almost whispered. He was a bit nervous to ask but he wanted to anyways. "Would you be me dork?" Kevin's were now closed. He was waiting to hear a 'No', but instead he felt two hands on either sides of his face. He opened his eyes and the only thing he could see was Edd looking him directly in the eye and gave an answer barley audible to kevin. "Of course." Next thing he knew he was making out with his new boyfriend and words could not describe the feeling he had at that moment.

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