Chapter 4

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Kevin searched the downstairs bathroom, but no Edd. He heard a thud and went to see what it was. As Kevin passed by the closet he heard the already closed door being pulled shut completely. He knew Edd was on the other side. He took hold of the doorknob. "Ohh Edd." He sang. "I found you." He said as he pulled the door open, causing Edd to practically fly out and into Kevin's arms. Kevin smirked. "Noooo! Kevin, unhand this instant! You are completely filthy!" Edd screamed at Kevin while trying to get out of his grip.

Edd was struggling too much for Kevin to keep his balance. He fell back, Eddward holding Kevin tightly. They landed with a steady thud. Eddward sat up immediately. "K-Kevin? A-are you alright?" He let out a low grunt. "Yea. I'm good." Edd could see he was lying. "No you're not. Come on ill help you up." "No. It's fine." "Kevin you're hurt an-" "I'm fine dork. Besides, I like this position." Kevin smiled mischievously. Edd realized he was sitting on top of Kevin. He blushed and got off quickly. "Awww how boring." Kevin said trying to look sad. He sighed. "I guess you can help me up to my room." He said as he sat up with a small whimper. Edd got up and they started up the stairs.

When they reached Kevin's room, Edd was surprised to see Kevin close the door behind them. He was practically tackled onto his bed. Edd closed his eyes in fear that Kevin would hurt him. He felt lips on his neck. The feeling made him shudder. Kevin sucked on his neck enough to make Edd moan his name. Kevin smirked. "Yes?" He said. Edd stayed quiet, blushing. He liked Kevin, but he never thought Kevin felt the same for him.

Edd hadn't noticed Kevin leaning forward, but before he knew it Kevin's lips were on his. Edd's eyes grew wide. Kevin's lips started moving against his. He closed his eyes and put his hands on Kevin's shoulders. His lips started moving in sinc with Kevin's. Kevin put his hands on Edd's waist and started massaging him with his thumbs. Edd let out a small moan, giving Kevin enough of an opening to slide his tongue in. Edd gasped at the intrusion.

After a few minutes Kevin pulled away, both gasping for air. Kevin rest his head on Edd's, smiling, he was happy he'd finally kissed the boy he liked so much. "K-Kevin." Edd said shyly. "Yea dork?" He answered. Edd hesitated for a while, debating with himself weather he should ask Kevin about his feeling or not. "D-do you...w-why did you?" Edd stayed quiet for a few seconds trying to figure out how to word his question. "Why did you kiss me...?" He asked. Kevin opened his eyes and looked straight into Edd's eyes. "Because," He smiled. "I like you."

Edd woke up. He turned his head to look at the clock. '3:45.' Something on his arms stung, then he remembered what he'd done only a few hours ago. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Blood was seeping through the bandages. He felt light headed from all the blood loss. He took the blood soaked bandages off and wrapped his arms in new ones.

He went downstairs for a glass of water. He was on his way back up when he heard screaming outside. He went to his room and looked out the window. It was Kevin and Kyle. They were arguing about something but he didn't know what.

"What the fuck is your problem Kyle! I fucking told you to stay the hell away from him!" Kevin yelled. "Why the hell do you care about that little shit? You bullied him through childhood! Why is something I do any different?" Kyle yelled back. "I was a fucking kid, I messed with him, but you, you went to far dude!" Kevin shoved Kyle back. He was pissed. "What, so you have a soft spot for the loser now?" Kevin had heard enough. He lunged at Kyle. It was true that Kevin had a soft spot for Edd, though he would never admit it due to the thought that he'd get rejected by the one he wanted to be with most.

Both boys were heated. They threw as many hits as they could, rolling on the floor trying to get on top of the other to have the better advantage. Kevin had a bloody nose and many scrapes and bruises. Kyle had a busted lip and black eye, along with scrapes and bruises. They were both banged up pretty bad when Kevin threw the last punch. "Get out of here, you piece of shit." Kevin wanted nothing more to do with this boy. He got up and walked to his house, closing the door behind him.

Kyle stayed on the ground for a few minutes, waiting for the world to settle a bit. He got up dizzy and spit out blood. He looked up to see Edd's house. He knew Edd lived there and thought about knocking on him door, but decided not to because he knew Kevin wouldn't hold anything back next time.

Kevin paced back and forth. He worried about Edd. He'd ask himself questions like, 'How much damage did they do?' or 'What if they hurt him too bad?' Kevin only thought of the worst things possible.

He looked out the window and saw a light on upstairs in Edd's house, along with the silhouette of a tall, thin boy. He sighed in relief. 'He's ok.' Kevin thought to himself.

Edd's heart beat sped up. They looked each other in the eyes for a few seconds. His thoughts were scattered. He didn't known what to think, say, or do. "Um-uhh K-Kevin I...I don't know what-how?" "Edd, I probably don't feel the same...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done or said anything." Kevin climbed off of Edd and sat on the bed next to him. "No, Kevin...I-I like you. I just...I never though that your feelings would be mutual..." Edd sat up and looked down. "Edd...I know that things between us have never been...well we've never exactly been...friends, but something about you, something I can't explain, attracts me to you and I want be...with me." Edd looked at Kevin like he was crazy. This was too much for one day. He almost couldn't handle it. "Kevin...I-I...I want to be with you too, but maybe w should just take things slow. I know we've known each other since we were kids but we still should learn more of each other first...ok?" Edd gave Kevin a weak smile and a peck on the cheek. Kevin wanted more than a simple peck though. He cupped Edd's face with his hands and gave him a kiss on the lips, passionate and sweet. "Alright dork. If I have to wait for you, I will." He said softly as he caressed Edd's cheek.

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