Chapter 1

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I ran as fast as I could and tried not to make any noise. I felt the little branches and leaves brush against my skin. I felt the hard rocks and pebbles being crushed by my bare feet. The sound of drums echoed down in the mystic forest. However there was a type of sound that I could not recognize. Just in case, I quickly grabbed onto a strong branch then pulled myself up to see. I land onto another and stayed still. I’m nearby, I said to myself. I could pick up a strange scent, a scent that shouldn’t be lingering around here. I narrowed my eyes to focus far ahead, nope– still too far. I hopped onto another branch, then landed on ground and continued to walk. If I were to run I would get caught.  

As I got close enough, I focused my eyes again. I saw men with scars that were carrying out foreign objects from their ships and marching around their-so-called grounds. I silently went down and hid behind the bushes to inspect. 

“New land with new beings, keep a watch Leon.” A man walked out of the ship with his servant. The man was tall and built. He also carried that same scar and his darkened eyes showed cruelty. He continued to give out orders. “We will camp out here until we are done with our stations!” The servants nodded and started to build large tents. 

More men got out of the ships. How many more will try to walk on our land? I asked myself. This feeling wasn’t a great feeling at all. If they figured out that there were other existence inhabiting this land... I can’t think that like. I quietly crawled along the bushes so no one could see me. I ended up way close than I should have. A little panic attacked me however the thought of my weapons made me feel protected.  

The leader stood high while he watched his men work. “I know they are here.” He took a glance at his stolen land. “I could smell ‘em.” 

Then the leader turned his head and looked straight at me. I froze. I held my dagger close to my heart but I couldn’t move. The stare felt like an eternity and my feet started to ache. Few long seconds had passed then he snorted. A sigh of relief left my mouth. The leader continued looking at the map while yelled at his people.

I backed away slowly, pointing my dagger out and away from me just in case someone tries to attack. I got up and was ready to run off. As I turned, I bumped into someone. They grabbed me and pinned me down. I looked up at him. He wore the same scar across his right eye. He grinned as he tightened his grip on my arms and pushed his blade up on my bare neck. 


His grey eyes looked down at me and chuckled. “Spying on us huh?” 

My knee kicked him off but he still held onto my arms. I rolled onto him and shoved my arm against his neck. I pointed my dagger and poked his cheek carefully. A drop of blood leaked out of where the blade was. “Never speak, just kill.” I glared at him.

“Alright,” he then dropped his arms and his knife. “I surrender. Finish me off–” he pulled me close “With one good kiss.” 

I jerked back thinking what the fuck just happened. My confused and shocked eyes made him laugh even more. I got up and dusted dirt off of my shoulders and knees. 

“Don’t follow me or else...” I pointed at my dagger him and then sprinted off into the woods.

“Don’t worry I’ll find you.” I heard from behind.


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