Chapter 2

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“Elijah,” one of his mates ran towards him and saluted. “Boss needs you. He’s going all crazy planning out the hunt.”

Elijah nodded “I’ll be there in a moment, thanks Sam.”

I stood behind a tree and listened to their conversation. Elijah turned back to see if I was still there. To his eyes I wasn’t as he shook his head and walked back to their campsite. They both weren’t there anymore. I fell against the tree and let out a heavy sigh. My heart was pounding incredibly and it ached. My hand closed tightly and placed itself on my shaking chest. I never felt that way before and he was a human. I felt his skin against mine.

I shouldn’t even be thinking like this... I shook the thought out of my head.

This was my first encounter with a human. Humans don’t live here except me and the citizens of Aonzahlia. Aonzahlians are the protector of earth. They have been living side by side with earth since the beginning of time. Aonzahlians are the angels that had been brought to this world to keep the peace. However years had passed and humans started to populate. As a result, fires were lit across other lands and then bloodied bodies were tossed around like meat.  Humans never cared for Mother Nature. Beautiful animals and insects like wolves and butterflies died because of them. Many trees were cut down because of populated lands. Great seas and lakes of some parts of the world were polluted. Even the air would be in smokes by their repulsive materials that are used for war. They like to kill each other and drink the blood of their fallen enemies.

Thank god Aonzahlians kept this place a secret. I took a couple of steps down a hill. I was far enough from those barbarians. I walked towards two old hollow trees with a symbol on the ground. I stood over the symbol, moved some dirt around and felt the engravings. It was a large circle with a slightly smaller one that made a rim and had three smaller circles in the middle. Aonzahlian words were written in and around the rim. This was the gate way to our land. The only way to get in was to have patience. The sun was setting and it shined onto me. I looked between the trees and for a second I saw my reflection. I then closed my eyes and felt a little current of electricity through my veins.

I counted: 1... 2... 3... 4... 5.

I quickly opened my eyes to see the symbol engraved in gold.

I was home.

Flawless men and women walked around with beautiful children. They were tall and angelic. Their green and blue veins showed off from their pale skin. They were the angels without their wings. The ground was made out of stone. Their homes were built with marble and stain glass windows. I continued to walk and greeted everyone who passed by. The sun shined upon the land. The trees were healthy and green and many flowers bloomed brightly. The famous statue of an Aonzahlian warrior Dimitrious stood bravely with his heavenly sword and shield. It was surrounded by red, yellow and blue flowers.

“I see you have returned young one.” An elderly man nodded at me. He wore a white robe made out of silk. I bowed to him. He laughed. “No need to bow, you are like a daughter to me.” He smiled gracefully. Which was true, Amon was the one who raised me.

“I know, I know,” I smiled. However the smile turned into a serious stare. “I must speak with you and the rest of the council.”

He raised his eyebrow with concern. “You have found something?”

I nodded.

“Anything out of the ordinary?” he asked.

“Worse than that I’m afraid.”

I followed him toward the great gardens.  The colourful plants made a path to a fountain. The water was slightly green by the fallen leaves and small petals floated. This fountain was known for its great powers to heal any kind. It can even heal a human. Amon and I continued to walk further and ended up in an area where we have important meetings. There were seven seats that made a semi circle. Amon took a seat near the middle and waited for the rest to arrive. After a few short minutes the seats were taken by the other members of the council. The blue skies turned into navy and stars appeared. Torches that surrounded them were lit.

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