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I lay down on my bed. Mom knocked on my door. "Hon', I know you aren't okay. Don't tell me that you are okay. I am so sorry about Skylar. She was such a great girl---"

"Mom, please just stop. That was days ago." I said quietly, covering myself with blankets. Mom walked in.

"You still aren't over it, though. Maybe you need to go to counseling?" Mom suggested.

I frowned. ''No,"

Mom sat at the edge of the bed. "Honey, you can't live on like this. You're depressed. Would Skylar want you like this?"

I shook my head 'no'. My hand shook as I got of bed and walked downstairs to breakfeast. I ate scrambled eggs, and then looked out the window. My cat still hadn't returned. I felt like crying, just crying and letting it all out, but for some reason, for some very odd reason, I couldn't cry. It was almost like something was holding back the tears.

No, I had to cry. I had to. I didn't cry when Mom and Dad got a divorce, I didn't cry when my cat, Zelda, disappeared, or when my best friend Sky died! I didn't know why. A tear dropped from my face, and then another. Soon I was sobbing and sitting against the wall. Why was this happening to me? Why me? What did I do wrong? I wasn't a bully, I was nice and kind and considerate.

If anything I was the one bullied! Why did everything bad happen to me? God, why are you doing this to me?

Stop, Alex. God doesn't control your life. You do that. I told myself. I stood, wiping my tears away on my sleeve. A black shadow darted across the room.

I froze. "Hello?"

I heard chittering and a devilish laugh.

WhY aRE yOoouOOOuUU sO sAD??? A voice said. The voice was a distorted, horrible noise. I turned around, as the voice seemed to be all around me.

YoUr FRiEEnd Is WaiTIng FoR YoU....COmE WiTh MeEe and I wiLL ShOw YoU hEr! For a second I actually believed it. I stepped forwards, but then stepped back. I didn't know why, but I knew this voice was not truthful, and I knew I was in big, big, trouble.

"NO!" I yelled. "MOM!"

The voice laughed wholeheartedly. HaHAhHAHAHAHAHHAhahAHhaHAHhahAHAhahAHahHA! It'S jUST YoU AAnd ME NoW, NO OnE caN HeaR Us. NoT EVEn ThE OnES WHo CaN HeLP YoU.

The windows immediately shattered. There was a horrible scream, which sounded like a screaming goat mixed with a deep laugh. I panted. What was THAT?

I woke up sitting against the wall, Mom shaking me. I looked at her, and hugged her. I stood and drowned out my mother's concerns. I checked each window, which were all very, very, stable. No cracks from what I could see in the glass. My ears were ringing, my throat was dry, and I coudn't help but wonder: What had I just seen?

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