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"Mom, what happened?" I asked in a demanding tone.

Mom looked at me in a strange way. "You fell asleep, sweetie, so I woke you. We have visitors." I felt my heart begin to pound as sweat beaded on my forehead.

Mom felt my forehead. "Jeez, Alex, I think you have a fever! Go lie down, sweetie. I will talk to the visitors."

I relunctantly sat on the couch.

Mom walked to the door and spoke to the 'visitors', and then soon a man with a gray goatee and gray/black hair walked in, followed by a teenage boy with shaggy black hair. They both looked Indian. They seemed similar in a way, so I guessed they were related. Mom looked at me, smiling.

"I will leave you three alone." she said, walking upstairs. I squinted.

"What-'' I began.

"Alex, let's start with the basics-"

"I can't stay here!" I quickly said, not knowing why. I felt so cold and horrible here, like someone was here with me...

I felt something breathing on my shoulder and I quickly turned. A black figure with yellow eyes stared into my soul. Blood dripped from its eyes and I gaped. I didn't scream. I was frozen in my spot and I was defenseless.

"Can you see it?" I asked, shakily.

The figure reached towards me, and as I was the only one who saw it, I knew that I was going to die. The eyes of the figure were the only clear things I could see.

HelP Me!! CoME WITh Me!I shook my head.

''No,'' I said, trying not to yell. The figure grabbed my neck, almost strangling me. I did what anyone would do: I kicked it. The figure rolled off of the couch and exploded into dust.

I gaped at the floor, then back at the man and his son, then back at the floor, then back at the man and his son. "Did you SEE THAT?" I asked in a scared tone, grabbing onto the couch. I was shaking, but the man and his son looked extremely calm. I covered my mouth with my hands.

"Did you see it?' I asked, looking around the room for more of those things.

"I am afraid we didn't."

''Am I going crazy? It was here." I stood, and pointed to where the thing was. "It almost strangled me! And then-"

I walked over to the floor. "-Then it disappeared here. I saw it earlier! It was talking to me about Skylar-"

"Slow down. Alex, may I ask, who is Skylar?''

''Who are you?" I asked.

The son laughed. His father looked at me, and I stepped backwards. "I am Raj, and that is my son Tieval. We are here to help you. Tell me about Skylar."

"Skylar was my best friend. She died of heart failure on Tuesday. She was born with this condition, and it took her life. But that thing that I saw! It told me that it would show me her! I refused, but it spoke to me with this horrible distorted voice-"

"Alex, you aren't going crazy." Tieval said. "We believe you saw something. Now whether it was real or not..."

I frowned as something touched my neck. I swirved around. There was the figure again, blood dripping on the floor.

"I see it again." I said.

"What is it saying?" asked Raj.

WhY Do YoU TrUSt ThEM?

"He is asking me why I trust you." I said. I turned back to the evil figure.

"I-I don't! I barely know them! I-" I began, scared.


I felt rage flow through my veins, and I yelled, "You don't know what you're talking about!"

I stepped back as the figure's blood dripped on me, burning my skin. The burn was too much. I passed out. The last thing I saw and felt was me being picked up by the figure, and hearing him say, SkYLaR Is VeRY HaPPY, NoW

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