Chapter One

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"Mom. You really don't have to worry." You said, grumbling as your mom played with your hair

"Please be safe Y/N. You know how people can be and I just-" you cut her off. "Mom. I'm fine." you smile at her. She smiles light heartedly back, ushering you out of the door. "Good luck." she says smirking once more, watching you walk down the sidewalk. 

Starting a new school isn't the easiest thing to do, but none the less exciting. It's like a new chapter in your book, who knows what it might bring. 

As I walked to school, I purposely stepped on leaves, hearing them crunch. I even saw a toad on the sidewalk, which I happily put in the grass. The wind was cold but it felt nice. Fall has always been my favorite season. for about 10 more minutes I found myself daydreaming of what life might be like.

Before I knew it, I was there. 

I looked at the school as I got closer, anxiety grew within me. I went pretty much unnoticed as I walked to my first class. Groups of people crowded in the halls, happy to be back with friends. 

Once I reached the door, I looked around and most of the seats were filled. Mainly friends talking with friends. That was something I missed. I started to feel that anxiety come back. I spotted an open seat on the side of the room, there was a lanky boy in the seat next to it. 

Oh well. It's gonna have to do. 

I sat down and pulled my bag off of my shoulders, setting it down besides me. As I gathered my things on the desk, the boy seemed taken aback. He was basically tense for the first five minutes of class, fidgeting on his phone. 

I tried getting a better look





Tommy calm down, I'm sure its fine try ta******

I was interrupted as the teacher started talking. "Alright. I want everyone to get to know the person next to them, as they will be your partner for the rest of the school year."

I sat there in silence for a few moments, waiting for him to say something. I listened as others began sharing their summers. After more awkward time past, I decided I would be the one to say something.

I looked over at him to see him already looking at me. He seemed nervous, even more so than me.

"Uh, hi." I said, breaking eye contact. Had he been looking the whole time? I better have looked good.

"Sup. My names Thomas, I'd prefer if you call me Tommy though." he answered. I smiled as I remembered his conversation with "Wilbur"

"My names Y/N. I just moved here so that's why I'm nervous." I said, still smiling. I looked over at him, "What's your excuse?"

He stared at me a moment, looking taken aback by my direct comment. He then looked forward, almost thinking of a reply.

I watched as he stared at the board, almost thinking he wasn't going to say anything at all, then he started talking.

"Well there's just so many women that want me. It's overwhelming." he said, now making eye contact. I cringed, but held back my tongue seeing how proud he looked with his answer. I decided to poke fun instead.

"Well I don't exactly see them lined up." I said, making it a point to look around the room. Everyone occupied in their own conversations. He scoffed at me, rolling his eyes.

"Maybe you're not looking hard enough." he retorted. Now it was my turn to scoff. I smiled. It seemed like I'd known this tommy for quite a while, although its been like 7 minutes. I sense some chemistry.

"Anyways," I said switching the subject. "What do you like to do in your free time?" 

"I guess.. well I guess all I do is play Minecraft." he said, turning a light pink. It was barely noticeable, but nothing escapes these eyes of mine. However, I immediately lit up at the word Minecraft, which I'm pretty sure he picked up on as I watched his expression change. 

"What? Do you like it too?" he asked. I let out a small laugh "I love it. I've liked it since I was little. I've actually been saving up money for a pc." I said, smiling proudly. 

I looked over, expecting him to be surprised, or at least smiling. But he seemed lost in thought.

"Tommy, you good?" I asked, as he broke out of his stare looking slightly embarrassed. Poor kid.

"I'm fine. Do you by any chance have twitch?" he asked, hesitant. I wondered why but didn't pay too much mind to it.

"Actually no. It's something I've been saving for my pc. I watch all my videos on YouTube and I'm not super interested in anyone that streams, so I'm holding off on that right now." I answered truthfully. Twitch just wasn't one of my priorities right now. Definitely something I want to do in the future though.

He stared at me for a little bit more before he spoke, "Yeah, I think it's a good idea to hold off on it for now."

"Glad we could agree." I joked

Time started flying by as we joked with each other. Random things popping up here and there. Tommy was cool. I liked his company.

Before I knew it, class was over. Me and tommy parted as we both went opposite ways for our next class. I smiled to myself, had I already made a friend? It's not that big of a deal, but at the same time it is to me. On an even better note we like the same things. 

Maybe this wont be that bad.

Word Count: 979

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