Chapter Two

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Soon enough lunch came. As I gazed around the lunch room, I looked for a familiar face. 

After a bit of searching, I spotted just the guy I was searching for.

I started making my way to a table closer to the back of the room, where low and behold, I saw Tommy sitting alone. I noticed quite a few people watching me as I walked by, even making eye contact a few times. I normally wasn't bad with the spotlight, but that's completely different when you only know one person.

I had managed to acquaint myself with two girls that seemed to be close. One had dark brown hair while the other had platinum blonde. They were in the "popular group" yet seemed nice enough. I found that me and the girl with darker hair, Eve both enjoyed drawing. Then me and the girl with blonde hair, Eva both enjoyed the guitar. It was cool meeting them, but I'm not sure if they're the type I'd tell my secrets to.

Once I finally made it to the table, Tommy shot me a glance from the opposite side. He seemed to calm down once he realized it was me, then he darted his gaze back to that phone of his.

It was quiet for a bit, I decided to let him do his thing for a bit longer. I started eating the sushi I packed and scrolling through Instagram. 

"So, long time no see Tom." I stated, still putting most of my focus onto my sushi. I then looked up to see him staring at me with utter disgust.

"Can I help you?" I asked. Was there something on me or what? I started looking around self consciously, to which I heard tommy start to laugh.

"Are you just gonna laugh at me or tell me what's wrong?" I said, now searching harder.

"Y/N there's nothing wrong with you dumbass. It's that foul substance in front of you." He stated, grimacing at my sushi. Is he fucking with me?

"I know you didn't just say that about sushi." I said, half joking. Who doesn't like sushi?

I then picked up a piece with my chopsticks and set it on a napkin, placing it in front of Tommy.

"Try it. You might like it."

"You sound like my mum. And there's no way I'm trying that."

I rolled my eyes at him as I watched him look at the sushi. "Dude it's really not that bad. If it makes you feel any better, these ones don't have any meat in them." I stated, knowing that might intrigue him a bit more.

"They make sushi without fish? What even is the point." He said, now poking at it with his finger. After a few more moments of him quite literally playing with his food, Tommy picked it up and plopped it in his mouth. I smiled and watched as his face turned to one of even more disgust. He quickly got up and walked to the garbage next to our table, spitting it out. 

"That was a bit dramatic." I said, still smiling at him.

I watched as he sat back down, wiping his mouth.

"You absolute bitch. I know there was fish in that. I could taste it." He said, glaring at me. Damn. If looks could kill.

I couldn't help myself, I burst out with laughter. 

I looked over to see Tommy still glaring at me, only this time there was a hint of a smile.

"Are you done yet woman. People are starting to stare." He said, now laughing too.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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