Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Btw ignore all the name mix ups in the last chapter that's what i get for writing at like midnight .
It took us thirty minutes to get to the water park. Even though we left early there was still a big line of people at the entrance. Because of all the people we parked a good five minutes away. When we got out of the car Jules was already walking. " Hey , you better come back here and help us carry the bags!"
She turned around and gave both of us a death glare. Bet for running over to us We better hurry up then cause you guys are really slow at walking."
once we had everything out of the car. We walked down and gave the people our tickets and we walked through the front door.

***Magical time skip***

We went to start walking out at around 7. Tyler Carried Jules to the car while she was asleep because neither of us wanted to wake her up. I drove home while Tyler sat in the back seat with Jules and bye the time we got back to my house he was asleep to.
I got out of the car opened up the door to Jules and took her inside. once I had her on the couch I walked back out side and opened up Tyler's door and kicked him in the leg. He didn't even move so I opened up the garage and got my old flute from like 2nd grade and walked back over to Tyler.
Once I was back I held the flute right next to his ear and made the really high pitched noise that sounds like a goose being killed. He jumped up and hit his head against the top of the car. "WHAT THE HELL!!" I dropped the flute into the grass and started laughing my ass off. "Sorry I'm not sorry" he sat there for a minute probably to stop the ringing.
He looked at me "Can you just like no, just go get your stuff." I totally forgot I was sleeping at Tyler's house " Yeah, be right back" I walked into my house and saw that my mom was carrying Jules up to her room and my dad watching football on the t.v. I walked over and helped my mom carry Jules up to her room then went across my the hall to my room. All I really needed was my phone charger and my pjs. I toke both of them and through them into my tote bag and walked backdown stairs. my mom was now sitting on the couch with my dad yelling at the t.v.
"Bye" was all I could get out before laughing at my mom. she stopped yelling and looked over at me "Bye" my dad stood up and walked over to me " Let me walk you over." "Tyler said he would I mean he's outside still." "Can I walk over with both of you then?" Why on this world would he want to walk me across a flipping street like this is weird. "uh, sure."
With that we walked out the door. Tyler finally looked awake while he was sitting on the hood of our car on his phone. He looked up from his phone while he was turning it off. He stood up "Ready to go my mom said she made some Oreo cake thing." "OH MY GOD, I love Oreos!!" " Okay then let's go" I walked over to Tyler with my dad behind me. Tyler gave me a weird look as my phone goes off. It was just Twitter but I thought I might explain things to Tyler.

Jasmine: Just go with it okay I don't know what he's doing.

Tyler's phone went off "Dammit Kyle"

Tyler: okay but let's go

We both looked up from our phones and my dad was starting to look impatient. "Okay so shall we go now?" "Yeah let's go before my mom and Lindsey eat all the Oreo cake." we started to walk down the side walk and onto the road when my dad decides to start a conversation. " So what's going on tonight?" "Eating Oreo cake." we both say at the same time then start to laugh "jinx, I will take a root beer please, and thank you." " What time are you coming home tomorrow?" "Dad we went over this Tyler stayed over for a week so now I'm staying over for a week."
He can be so frustrating at some times. "Okay I was just making sure." We made it to Tyler's front door "Bye dad" he walked up to me and gave me a hug but before he let go he whispered into my ear. "He does anything I'll hunt him down to the ends of the earth and kill him." he let go of me and I just stood there in shock. did he really just say that. I mean I know he's protective but wtf dad no. He just turns around and started walking down the street.

I am going to post the next chapter today cause finals finally ended. like thank god so yeah byeeee.

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