chapter 3

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chapter 3

I woke up with the sun coming in through the window onto my bed. I sat up and reached across to my dresser and grabbed my phone 2 missed calls. One was from Tyler and the other from my dad.

I opened the one from tyler first " Good night Butiful talk to me in the morning plz" Then the one from my dad " Were going to talk in the morning goodnight" I really don't want to talk to anybody so I got up and went over to my desk and got onto my laptop.

I logged onto my youtube account and started looking at my subscription list. I noticed Tyler uploaded a hunger games episode I clicked on it and watched about 5 minutes of it and noticed that he sounded depressed. I got up from my desk and got dressed and walked down the hallway to the bathroom to do my hair.

When I was finished with my hair I walked down stairs to see Tyler laying on the couch passed out, with Max lieing at the end of his feet. I grabbed max's leash and hooked him up and started to walk him down the street. Half way down the street I noticed two little kids throwing a ball back and forth.


I never thought about how this affected our sister's I mean Lindsey is Jules's best friend. They couldn't be handling this any better then Tyler and I. Im going to miss seeing the girls so happy playing together. I stopped walking as soon as I realized what house I was in front of. I walked up the path and opened the door.

" Jasmine what are you doing here?" " Can I talk to Emily, Its REALLY important."

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