3 the night they met

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We got a Uber. The party was not very far away. Like 20 minutes in the car. It was very windy. Jules called the Uber. The Uber driver was an old man. He was in his late 50s. It looked like a homeless men. With a stinky long beard. I prayed that he wouldn't say anything to us and would just do his job. Jules looked like it didn't bother her. The car had a weird smell. Like drugs. I gave Jules a look. She nodded. We stepped in. And he started driving us to the place we gave him. We had google maps so we could see the route. He luckily drives us to the right place. After 5 minutes he started asking us inappropiate questions. 'How old are you girls?' We are in our twenties. That's not real ofcourse, we were just 18. He asked where we lived, and other weird questions. We lied about every question we answered.

Finally we arrived. The man winked at us. I wanted to throw up. Gross. The building was dark. We could hear the music from outside. The song 'Super Freaking' by Rick James was playing. There was a line for the club. I walked already to the line. When Jules grabbed my arm.' Where are you going, love?' 'I thought- I don't know'. 'We can go Vip. Follow me'. That was is stupid, ofcourse we didn't have to be in the line. She is rich.

When we entered the club, we heard music that was so loud. I could feel it in my stomach. I couldn't hear Jules talking. There where a lot of people. We walked to the dance floor. We danced. 30 minutes straight. I sweated already. Suddenly a blond man. I guess in his early 20s. Grabbed Jules. He whispered something in her ear. She laughed. The man walked away and Jules followed him. She looked one time over her shoulder and winked. I winked back ofcourse, you go girl. I saw her making out with the man in the corner of the room. I laughed by seeing it. I had no reason to stay on the dance floor so I walked to the bar. 'One shot please' I asked. A man grabbed my shoulder and said. ' two shots for me and this lady'. I looked behind me. A creepy ass dude was standing there. He looked like he was in his 60s and not in a good way.' What is a pretty girl like you doing here alone?' He sit down next to me. He smiled. Oh no he was missing teeth. I didn't react so he was talking further. 'What do you think of spending the night with this handsome looking man'. He pointed to his face. Oh no, this is not going good. A man put his arm around my shoulders.'Sorry man, she is taken'. I looked back an saw an early 20s man I guess. He was really handsome. Brown eyes, with brown wavy hair. He had wide shoulders. When I caught myself of staring. I looked back to the creepy man. 'Sorry I'm taken'. He looked so mad. He sweared at us. He walked mad away. I was so released. I took a deep breath and turned around. The man was still lookin at me. He was really good looking. I felt something I can't describe. 'Thank you so much, I panicked'. I laughed.

*Silas perspective*
I saw this girl at the bar. She looked like her mother died. I walked close to the girl and the creepy old man. "What do you think of spending the night with this handsome looking man?" She didn't react so I had to do something. Think Silas he thought. I grabbed her shoulders. ' Sorry man, she is taken'. I felt that the girl was getting a little more relaxed. She looked at me. Her eyes, her big brown eyes were looking at me. I forgot for a moment I was in a club. Her lips. I wanted to kiss them so hard. She turned around. 'Sorry, I'm taken'. I was still looking at her. I heard the man saying something and walking away. 'Thank you so much, I panicked'. She laughed. Her laugh. I didn't know what to say. She was so beautiful. I grabbed myself together. 'No problem, so what are you doing here?'

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