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Jin looks around the classrooms. They are all empty but a few. In the last one he finds what he is looking for. Taehyung is sitting on a small stool. His white apron being a work of art on its own. His hair looks messy as if he didn't brush it before letting it airdry. There is a smudge of purple on his cheek and as in trance he is moving the brush while not even lifting his eyes from the canvas. Jin coughs to make his presence known. Taehyung doesn't react. Completely taken in by his vision, his hands are communicating the things in his mind to the canvas in front of him.

After a few minutes, Jin neaars him and stands behind the painter. When he sees the canvas, he gasps. It's almost as if he is looking at a picture of the universe. All sorts of hues from purple to pink to black and blue are somehow in perfect harmony with each other. Taehyung sighs and grabs a wide brush and taps it on his hand, resulting in white spots appearing as stars on the canvas. But Tae isn't done yet. He grabs a cloth and softly starts dipping it on the white spots in a line. Suddenly the milkyway appears right in front of Jin's eyes. After doing that, he grabs a toothpick and starts to connects a few dots, making constellations. After he done that he puts the brush down and breaths out.

He turn to his side to start to clean up, when he notices Jin in the corner of his eyes. A bit startled he looks at this tall stranger. "Who are you?" "I'm your muse for the coming 6 months." V turns his eyes away. " I don't need a muse...." "But I do need to be your muse, if you like it or not. I need to get those study points." Jin isn't easily shaken like that. He points at the painting. "That is amazing..." Taehyung doesnt look up from softly rinsing his brushes, his hands are in the dirty water. "How long have you stood there?" He asks. "Long enough to see the creation of the universe." Jin jokes. Taehyung smiles. Why am I smiling? He looks at this person that brought a smile on his face.

His eyes look at the small features and details of this person in front of him. As a lightning his eyes take up every detail. He can definitly see that Jin's face has a perfect ratio. The body proportions too. It's like the David of Michealangelo, perfection in the flesh. Jin is slightly uncomfortable at this painter staring a hole in his face. Taehyung is looking at him up and down and circling him as a hunter is to a prey. Jin sighs. Again someone who is just checking me out from my outer appearance. As everyone in this world. Nothing new. He is just like the others. "Nice meeting you, I will be on my way now." And Jin turns to walk off. But Taehyung grabs his wrist. Jin turns around and is confused. What more could he want from me? He thinks as he seizes up on Taehyung. "N-nice to meet you too." Taehyung says. Jin awkwardly slides Tae's hand off his wrist and nods before making his way out of the classroom. 

Tae takes a seat again and opens his notebook. He starts to eagerly draw lines in it. He is drawing really fast, as if he has something that is fleeting. When he is finished he looks at his work. (all rights go to the rightful artist, I found this picture on google)

When he is finished, he looks at the sketch and it's Jin staring at him

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When he is finished, he looks at the sketch and it's Jin staring at him. But the thing he notices first is, Jin's eyes. Why did I draw them so sad? He can't help but wonder why this image stuck to him so badly he needed to draw it. Maybe he is a muse to me....

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