-Meet some characters(mildly important)

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Natalie Paquette(Wattson) is the straight A student, along with Tae Joon Park(crypto) a hacker who likes to use this to know more about people, as in private/confidential stuff that people shouldn't know. Natalie doesn't really like him considering this could be classed as an invasion of privacy. Natalie doesn't have many friends even if she is one of the top students, top student or not people will always find a way to bully her. But hey, all good things come with a price, she may be bullied but she still gets to see her best of her friends everyday, her pet cat. Her father was a famous engineer on Solace. Her friends so far include; Kairi Imahara (Valkyrie) she's a girl obsessed with the sky and video games...and women, Obi Edolasim (Seer) he's a newer kid here at east solace high. From what Natalie has gathered he likes dancing and art, Elliot Witt (Mirage) a man who cant stop gossiping (seriously he should get that checked), he is normally really hyper because of the amount of coffee he drinks (maybe Natalie should buy him decaf next time) and Loba Andrade (Loba) she's the matchmaker of the school a lot of people call her Cupid, she likes to encourage Elliot with gossip of this and that, the two act like they are brother and sister and every week they have a shopping day together. Yeah kind of weird. That is all of her friends, another reason people find her weird is her sensory overload. Which can be embarrassing, especially in a school corridor filled with people(that really wasn't fun) but oh well. 

Renee Blasey(Wraith) isn't really interested in going to school, she doesn't have many friends either(only 2 currently, she does get bullied often), she enjoys gaming and graffiti. She also likes playing instruments, though she will never admit it(except to Ajay)Her friends include; Ajay Che(Lifeline) she often helps Renee deal with panic attacks by using techniques such as grounding. Octavio Silva(Octane) a street racer with some insane tricks and speed. Though even if he is fast, he never seems to be on time for anything. Octavio and Ajay knew each other for quite a while especially since they grew up together on the same planet, Psamathe. Where as Renee was born on Typhon but moved to solace(here) at a young age. Her favourite lesson is music and her and Ajay are in a band, she plays electric guitar whereas Ajay plays drums. She knows how to skate and she drives a motorbike. She also gets into fights often.(not fun) Mainly about her sexuality, she is openly a demi-sexual/romantic Lesbian. A/N this isn't confirmed it's just an idea of what I think Renee's sexuality would be.  It's surprising just how many people have a problem with people just being themselves. But she says gay rights bitches 🏳️‍🌈. Anyway she is learning french because it's mandatory that she learns a foreign language. So she went with the first option she heard, French 🇫🇷. She often doesn't get much sleep and can be quite paranoid. A/N the song paranoid by I prevail is amazing, seriously you should listen to it, anyways carrying on to the story because the meet the characters is done. 

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