Crazy lady

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It's a new day and your feeling more "excited" you grab your rifle and revolvers take a cup of coffee and a bowl of stew and your ready for the day, you're just sitting there looking at trees but there's a certain tree that catches your eye. You walk over to the tree and just stare at it, it's has lovely dark brown with  beautiful green leaves, that became your favorite tree. You just sat on the floor staring at it, you were so focused on the tree that you didn't hear Sadie come up behind you but you did notice her hands on your shoulders and you quickly turned around to see her smiling at you, she kisses your forehead and sits next to you and stares at the tree as well, she saw that it brought something out of you cause it made you smile. "Hey!" you both turn around and see Arthur walking towards you with John. "watcha starin at?" John asked, "were staring at an almighty tiger walking on 2 legs, OBVIOUSLY WERE STARING AT A TREE!" you replied while Sadie snickered and looked away. You picked up Sadie and put her on her feet "I wanna do somethin exciting" you said. You looked at Sadie to see an evil smile on her face, you knew exactly what she was up too and you loved it, But first you needed to get a horse because for some reason you still don't have one. You hopped on the back of Sadies horse and went to the stables and got a female buckskin american stander bread and named her Fancy but you would never forget your first horse who passed away in his sleep. You gave Fancy an apple and you rode to the saloon in valentine cause you wanted to get a few drinks, while you were drinking some drunk man went up to Sadie and started mouthing off "Look whos here the wannabe man haha" Arthur was only holding Sadie back not knowing you were gonna attack him "Hey look over here big man!" you yelled then hit him with your bottle and all hell broke loose, Arthur looked at you in shock and same with Sadie, they didn't expect for you to do that then Sadie joined in while Arthur tried to get you and her out of the saloon, he convinced Sadie to help get you out cause everyone was ganging up on you and they both dragged you out and got you to the docters office to patch you up, you barely had enough strength to walk so Sadie helped you get on the back of her horse and you rode back to camp with your horse following behind. Sadie tried to help you down but you refused and went over to a table then you got lectured by Grimshaw, but at least you had an exciting day.

Sadie Adler X Reader FemWhere stories live. Discover now