Ch 18- detention

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The lake was Marlow's favorite place to go and when she found out she couldn't go to the lake with Alice, Marlene and Lily because she had detention, she was furious.

"I can't believe this. I'm not going." Mare crossed her arm's in a pouting manner sitting in the Gryffindor common room with her friends.

"You have to go to detention!" Lily threw her hands in the air dramatically and raised her eyebrows disciplining the girl.

"Mare you do realize I have detention to right?" James asks looking towards her.

"Don't remind me." She looks down rolling her eyes.

"Ok well next you two don't prank Filch! Good luck in detention." Then Marlene walks off waving at us. Alice and Lily follow her. Which leaves Mare alone with the boys.

"If it makes you feel any better I have detention to." Sirius finally speaks. Mare shoots her head up towards the boy.

"Please Avada kedavra me." Sirius throws a pillow at her from the couch which makes her laugh as she catch's the pillow.

"Wait, so I will be by myself?" Peter asks worryingly.

"Sorry Pete. To make it up to you tonight we will go in the kitchens to grab your favorite foods." Peter smiled nodding his head looking down.

"It's fine. Thank you. You guys have fun in detention." Then he walks away into the boy's dorm.

"God I hate this." Mare mutters then the three walk off together into Filch's office for detention. As they walk in Filch hands the three cleaning supplies.

"Good luck cleaning all the trophies." He smiles they all groan looking at each other following Filch to the trophy room.

There where hundreds of different trophies in the room. They were going to be there for hours. Once Filch left the room Mare turned to the two boys who were already working on the Trophies.

"Oh my god come on guys we can just use our wands!"

"This room in magic proof. For this exact reason." Sirius spoke looking towards her. Mare sighed in defeat as she started working. James went over on the other side of the room as Sirius and Marlow stood next to each other working on the trophies.

"Hey so about our conversation last year. You know when we were in the kit-" Mare put her hand on Sirius. She could see his cheeks turning red.

"It's fine. Really don't worry about it. I won't tell anybody about your home situation if you don't tell anybody about mine." She winked towards his taking her hand off of his looking back towards the trophy she was cleaning.

"Speaking of... how was your summer?" He asked not looking away from the trophy. Marlow's summer was utter... shit. Her mother even didn't let her eat certain meals.

"Not the best. Yours?" She kept it short and sweet not wanting to talk about her summer as it made this tight ball in her chest form.

"Not that great either." Actually Sirius's summer was horrid. His mother treating him like nothing and his brother Regulus now ignoring him, he felt like his whole world was crashing in on him. He loved his brother and at one point thought that would be the only person in his family he actually loved. But not he is starting to regret that.

"Sorry." She muttered. The rest of the detention was quiet. The 3 not making any more talk as James was secretly listening in on Sirius and Marlow's talk and he didn't want to ask about something that wasn't really any of his business.

In the end that night ended with a Marlow practically running out of detention as a tear fell down her cheeks thinking about her summer and that ball in her chest forming. She ran to her dorm going under her covers crying.

She felt somebody lift the covers. When she looked up she saw a red eyed Cissy.

"Can I join?" The blonde asked. Mare immediately nodded her head yes and Cissy got under the cover with her.

The smaller girl cuddled with Cissy as the blonde helled her close as the two cried in each others arms. Falling asleep with tear stained cheek.

And broken hearts.

Before the hallows- Book 1/ Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now