Chapter Fourteen

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*Chris' POV*

“Hey-hey Chris, meet my lady friend Vicky” Ryan said obviously drunk, the girl next to him looked at least almost drunk but not as bad as what Ryan looks like at the moment. You could tell that Vicky was a typical band whore, bleach blonde hair, obvious ratty extensions, a push up bra to support breasts that are probably a C cup and wearing practically nothing. Soon after Ryan introducing his “lady” friend they decided to sit in the small booth with myself, Angelo and Ricky; Vicky soon attaches herself onto Ryan and starts to kiss him. Ryan starts to protest saying that he has a wife and can’t do anything like that so he ends up pushing her away. Ricky ends up leaving saying that he needs to go to the bathroom as Angelo is taking Ryan to the bathroom since Ryan keeps telling us that he isn’t feeling too well leaving me with that whore.
“So Chris, do you have a girlfriend?” Vicky asked slyly trying to get closer to me as I’m trying to get away from her,
“Matter of fact, I’m getting married in a month” I say
“Oh bummer! Anyways, your almost wife doesn’t have to know anything we do” Vicky says trying to be seductive
“Um no, I think I’m leaving now” I say getting up as quickly as possible.
I get all the guys out of the club and I drive them quickly to Angelo’s apartment, something about Vicky creeped me out and I wasn’t going to stay any longer to find out why. We all got inside and I grabbed pillows and blankets for Ryan, Ricky and Angelo since they were sleeping on a spare mattresses in the lounge room as Devin and Balz were sharing a bed in the spare room, soon after I went into my room and got changed into some clothes that are comfortable for sleeping in. I went to put my iPhone on charge and saw my lock screen background which was a photo of Lolita and I when we first started going out cuddled up together sleeping, seeing the photo made me miss Lolita even more. I opened up the messages on my phone and began to type a message to Lolita;
‘Hey babe, I don’t know if you are awake or not or if your phone is even on but I just wanted to say that I will always love you forever & always. I miss you so much right now and all I want to do is cuddle up to you right now,
Love you more than anything
Chris xo’
I sent the message and a few minutes later my phone went off telling me I had a message, I looked over and saw Lolita texted me back;
‘Heey babe,
I’m the only one awake right now but I just wanna tell you that you are the most perfect boyfriend/almost husband ever! I can’t wait to get married and to spend the rest of my life with you.
I will love you forever’
Lolita xox’
I smiled at the text message and we continued messaging each other until we realised it was just past 3 am, we both told each other that we had to sleep and we couldn’t wait to see each other in the morning.
Something told me that there was something wrong with Lolita…


What do you guys think what is wrong with Lolita?

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