Chapter Twenty.

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*Lolita's POV*

I quickly turned around and I saw Chris standing there behind me, 

"Shit Chris! You scared me!" I said relieved that it was Chris and not my dream coming true. 

"Sorry babe, I was just going to tell you that I was going to go down stairs and do some stuff" Chris said 

"What kind of stuff?" I asked curiously 

"Just.... stuff" Chris said 

"Alright, well I might go take a quick shower and go down stairs to get something to eat since the little one wants food" I said rubbing my growing stomach since I now had the size of a 6 month pregnant stomach when I was only a few months along, wow when people said that vampire babies grew fast I didn't think it meant this fast.

Chris headed down stairs and I went into the built in bathroom that was connected to mine and Chris' room, I made sure the water was perfect for the shower and stripped off my bed clothes before hopping into the shower. As I was washing my hair and myself, my thoughts kept going back to that dream. It felt so real and I can't help but not shake the feeling of something bad happening really soon. I quickly finished up in the shower, got out and got dried before getting changed into some baggy comfortable clothing. 

As I was walking down stairs it was deadly quiet, I knew something was up 

"Chris?" I called out, no response. I crept down the stairs as quiet as I could and peaked into the living room, I couldn't believe my eyes. Chris was sitting on the couch with Vicky the receptionist from the creature health clinic on top of him making out quiet heavily, 

"WHAT THE HELL!?" I screeched out. Vicky and Chris broke apart and Vicky looked towards me with a wicked grin as Chris had a confused look, 

"What the-" Chris said before noticing Vicky close to him 

"What the fuck!?" he yelled out 

"I told you I would have you" Vicky said 

"You used your siren powers on him you dirty little whore" I said not being able to control my anger 

"Say that again and you say goodbye to your baby which by the way is a girl to ruin the surprise" Vicky said 

"You will never harm my baby" I warned her, 

"Watch and see" Vicky said before she lunged at me. 

Chris was trying to get Vicky off of me as I was trying to fight her off of me, Vicky threw me to the wall behind me and threw herself onto me, I felt the impact of her weight colliding to my stomach. 

"Noooooo!" Chris yelled out before breaking into his vampire mode, tearing Vicky away from me and ripping her throat out causing her to die very quick because of blood loss. I was starting to lose conciseness but I was trying to stay awake for my baby who we didn't even think of names for, 

"Stay awake babe, stay awake for the baby" Chris called out, as I was blacking in and out I could tell Chris was starting to cry. Chris left me for a second and I could hear a few words being said, 

"Quick-help-baby-delivered-now". I could tell there were other people in the room, I could see them as the Motionless In White boys with their girlfriends with the doctor. 

"We need to deliver this baby now" the doctor said 

"Lolita we're gonna have to have you to try and keep awake as you push this baby out" the doctor added when he was in front of my legs. I had the boys and their girlfriends surrounding me as I was trying to stay awake and pushing the baby out, Chris was grabbing onto one of my hands as Ange and Devin were trying to help me push the baby out. I heard a baby cry and finally the baby out, 

"Congratulations you delivered a beautiful baby girl" the doctor said showing everyone mine and Chris' daughter, I smiled knowing that she was beautiful. I started to feel the darkness taking over me, Chris looked over to me holding our daughter smiling widely but quickly turned to a frown when he noticed I was losing conciseness, he gave Angelo the baby as he quickly went to my side. 

"No Lolita, you have to stay alive!" he begged 

"I'm sorry Chris" I whispered

"No you have to stay! Who else will look after our daughter with me? I need you, you are my wife and mate. We are meant to be together forever" Chris said begging me to stay alive 

"I-I'm sorry Christopher, you have a lot of support to look after our beautiful baby girl. Make sure nothing bad happens and I want you to move on if you find another mate after me but please make sure to look after our daughter, goodbye Christopher Thomas Cerulli" I said before closing my eyes.  

I was finally dead forever, no more immortality and most importantly, no more Christopher Thomas Cerulli.  


I'm sorry guys that Lolita is dead! I almost cried a few time while writing the last bit so I apologize for anyone who is letting the tears flow. 

One thing I need is a beautiful first and middle name for Chris and Lolita's baby girl! Maybe something a bit Gothic and Victorian aged but something different as well, there will be a shout out to anyone who gives the idea of the baby name. 

Also, this story is almost to an end, I want to thank everyone who has read, commented subscribed and stuff like that to this story. 

Breathe ~ A Motionless In White story (Sequel to Lolita)Where stories live. Discover now