2: Bite

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"Move the body to the gurney now! Ready? One, two- Shit!"

Jeongguk effortlessly rested the body of the man to the gurney, pressing a gloved hand with a towel on the pouring wound on his abdomen. He remains calm, unlike the other paramedics, who seems to be in too much panic and blaring orders to appear tough - but Jeongguk only focuses his energy on the wound human as they quickly rush to the ambulance.

A party gone wrong is what looks like he's facing with. Apparently by what he's heard from some traumatized teenagers is that a man with a gun came in, apparently from a gang who was looking for someone. Things went down hill from there. Many people got shot, someone jumped out of a window to escape, and the shooter shot themselves before the cops arrived.

It was just a disaster, and everyone is clearly a mess.

Everyone except Jeongguk.

Instead of being the one driving, he served in treating the wounded and getting them into an ambulance to leave the scene. No deaths - Well, or so Jeongguk didn't detect any future deaths from this event - but along the way there could be a decision that could be made to say otherwise.

However, with the minimal healing abilities he has to others, he was able to heal any severe wounds from the humans so to guarantee survival is for sure.

At least that's what he hopes.

Four whole hours of taking care of bleeding and traumatized individuals, by the time it was over Jeongguk reeked of blood and was unable to stand anymore hearing his other fellow paramedic coworkers whispering and mumbling about the horrors they just witnessed as they clocked out with him after their shower.

After that stressful night, filled of two days of barely any sleep, Jeongguk was finally on his way to go back home. Despite the lack of sleep, Jeongguk wasn't so tired as others would. When he was an angel, he use to be around the clock working on taking care of humans and record their actions to the big man.

That usually involves no sleep.

So this is really nothing to him. If anything, he misses working on something. Now he barely has anything to do besides when he has to work. He has been thinking on getting a new job because he damn well needs it.

No not because of rent, that's taken cared of.

"Hi bestie - Ew, you reek of blood."

Jeongguk purses his lips, checking his bare arms with wings tattoos on either arm and sniffs, his face coils a little, "Seems like the soap doesn't do much justice."

Jimin distastefully frowns, "Clearly. So, do you know Hyejin?"

"Your great great great granddaughter?"

"You forgot a few more greats, but yes!" Jimin smiles, "She is now pregnant! I think she's going to have a girl-"

"A boy."


Jeongguk moves his eyes to him, "She's having a boy."

"How did you - Oh right, you use to be in that business," Jimin murmurs and snaps his fingers, squealing, "She's so happy! It makes me so happy and I know her family is going to be so enthu-"

Unintentionally Jeongguk's mind kinda blocked off Jimin's rant. Not because he wanted to, but because he knows Jimin is just faking this happiness because of how lonely and upset he is. He has to see his family reproduce, happy, living their life; and he's still here, watching them, unable to reach him or even stop the torture of not finding peace and living this never ending suffering.

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