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...It was a simple 1 verses 1 match. I never thought it would lead to this...

His side signature completely destroyed me. Leaving me with severe scars and open wounds everywhere, I tried to get up, but I was too weak. Then, he grabbed me by my neck and held me to the spectators. "This is the Fangwilds daughter? And she's this weak!? Wow!" The crowd jeered and chatted about. He then whispered in my ear, "You know, you're really shouldn't be a legend. You're simply just a piece of shit." "Damn you, Jaeyun, just finish me." I felt a searing amount of pain as he hit me with a down-light side-air. The match was over, 3 - 0. "Y know, for a 'Fangwilds daughter' you really are nothing special."

That was the last thing I heard before passing out.

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I woke up in a bed, but it wasn't mine, "Huh? Where am I?" I said with slurred speech. I looked around and saw Jaeyun, "Ugh" I proceeded to get out of his bed and go home. "Wait." He said, "You're too injured to go anywhere." "Stop talking bullshit." I said, then I went to walk out, but my ankle was sprained and I fell. "Owww" I whimpered. "C'mon, Ember you need to learn how to listen" Said Jaeyun. "Ah, fuck you," I back talked. That was the moment I realized I was too weak to get up. I was too embarrassed to ask for help. "Hmm, people like you never learn." Said Jaeyun as he picked me up. "Woah... Why do I feel so safe in his arms?" I thought to myself. Jaeyun put me back in bed. "Tuck me in..." I said childishly. "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!! There's no way he'll do that! I'm screwed" I thought. But to my surprise he started to slowly envelope me in blankets. "Here, stay here overnight, I'll keep an eye on you to make sure you're ok." Jaeyun said. "Yeah right, you'll probably stab me to death in my sleep." I said. "Sure I will" Jaeyun said. "Goodnight."

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I woke up in the middle of the night to see Jaeyun laying down right next to me, with his eyes open. I slowly began to blush when I saw Jaeyun smirk. "What keeps you up at this time Ember?" Jaeyun said softly "I don't really know. Just don't kill me!" I said. Jaeyun wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. I instantly turned red. "W - What are you doing?!" I nervously said. "Making you feel safe, I'm really sorry I humiliated you like that in front of the spectators..." Jaeyun said. "Hmph, yeah right." I remarked "You're only sorry that you didn't humiliate me even more, or even not poking my head more with that big ass sword." "Well, if you can't accept my apology, that's on you. Jaeyun said. "Night night, 'Fangwilds Daughter'." Jaeyun said mockingly. "Don't call me that, you fucking bastard!" I yelled back. "Sheesh, calm down Ember." Jaeyun said "Ugh, people like you don't deserve to call me that." I said "Goodnight, idiot."

Brawlhalla (Ember x Jaeyun)Where stories live. Discover now