3.. 2.. 1..

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I woke up at 6:32 A.M. Thankfully, Jaeyun was still asleep. And I was no longer in pain. "Thank God I can get out of here." I thought to myself, I got out of his bed and went home. While walking home I started to question why he did that. "Why did he let me in to his home to rest? He always hated me... Ah, its just a phase. As soon as he sees me again he'll just go back to his old ways..."  I slowly made my way home.

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Once home, I simply took a shower, brushed my teeth, and dressed myself. "That's better." I said to myself "I'm finally away from that prick." "Any scheduled matches today? Hmm.. 2 verses 2 in Thunder Guard Stadium, at 3:00 P.M. My partner is not listed there...Eh, I'll just sleep before the match."

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"Ahh~ more~" I moaned  "H - Harder~ Faster~"  "As you wish Ember~" He said before thrusting even harder. "Ahh~ Mmh~" I woke up in a frenzied state. "Did I really just have a wet dream about him?!" I thought to myself "But I always hated him...Ugh, whatever. Its all in my head, that will never happen in real life anyway....Right? Hmph..." I checked the time, it read 2:40. Shit, I gotta go or I'll be late. I ran outside to get to the match. I made it there at 2:52. "Damn it, the match hasn't even started and I'm already tired..." I thought "I'm gonna fight like shit...Ugh..." The time was 2:58, my partner arrived. When he did, the crowd cheered. I looked back. Oh, its just Jaeyun. Were they happy that we were fighting together? Whatever. "Lets get this over with, so we can never speak of this again." I said to Jaeyun "Well that's not the fighting spirit. Hehe, but okay!" Jaeyun said.

3... 2... 1... Brawl!

We all rushed to grab a weapon. Jaeyun and Hattori both grabbed a sword and were dueling it out. Meanwhile Orion and I were fighting unarmed, until I grabbed my bow and comboed him offstage, Orion was in orange now. Orion was starting to wall-hug, so I helped Jaeyun. Hattori was in deep red. Jaeyun was in red. I charged at Hattori and hit her with a side signature, taking a stock. Orion was back on stage with his lance, he hit us both with a side-light side-air. I lived, but Jaeyun wasn't so lucky, he lost a stock. Hattori and Orion were back at the edge of the stage. As soon as I touched the wall, they both dash-jumped into a ground pound. I dodged away, Orion was recovering with his lance, I threw my bow at him. Landing with a direct hit, and spiked Hattori, both falling into their demise. Jaeyun had his great sword and I picked up my katars. "Nice one, 'Legend'" Jaeyun said mockingly "Whatever, lets finish this." Jaeyun dealt with Hattori, I decimated Orion. Orion came back on stage sweating and shaking profusely. Jaeyun charged at him, hitting him with a down-light neutral-light side-light combo. I followed my attack with a neutral-light down-light side-air combo, Jaeyun continues with a side-signature, I proceeded with a gravity cancel neutral-light and a side air. Jaeyun rebounds Orion with another side-signature. And I finish him off with a gravity cancel down-signature. The crowd goes crazy! Jaeyun and I celebrate in a subtle manner. "Did we really just come up with that from the top of our heads?!" Jaeyun questioned "Yeah! I guess we did...Hehe." I said. "Do you wanna go to your place and celebrate...?" I thought about for a considerable amount of time. "Uhh... Sure..?" I said while shrugging my shoulders. "Great...Lets go then?" Jaeyun said. We walked back to my place. Little did I know...

Brawlhalla (Ember x Jaeyun)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora