Misery Needs Company

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Duke: Macy, let's meet up later after the meeting, hmmm? Just the two of us. I terribly miss you.

I have been reading that message for a couple of minutes now but I don't know how to respond to it. I should be happy that he misses me. But I know that that phrase "I terribly miss you" means something else.

I could still clearly remember that night that had changed our friendship forever. It was an after party of all the ZBN-plus models. Everyone was having fun. Continuous dancing in the dance floor, laughing and chatting in the table, the guys having their boasting time of who has better abs amongst them...

Everyone is just happy. It was a party after all. But I on the other is sitting in the bar alone, drinking. I don't remember how many tequila I've consumed, or was it vodka? I'm not really sure. I'm not much of a drinker you see. All I know is I am finally understanding why a lot of people are saying that alcohol is the perfect answer to misery. For the first time in two weeks, I have felt okay. Well not really okay, but better. Like my heart is actually being steady. Not saying happy, but it feels empty. And empty is good I tell you... Since I don't feel anything now. Just numb.... Aaaah, alcohol is such a life saver... .I love you alcohol!

I was about to drink my beloved alcohol when someone grabbed it. I look at my left and I saw Duke holding my drink and looking at me like I'm such a pain in the ass. What is wrong with this boy? He is such a party-pooper! Aigoo! I smiled to him and pulled his hand, guiding him to sit down beside me.

"Duke, do you want to drink that? You don't have to get it from me slyly. You bad boy! There are plenty of drinks here you know?" I told him while laughing heartily. Ah, it has really been a while since I had a good laugh. Have I told you already that alcohol is my new love now?!

"Ate Macy? You're already drunk. Are you okay?" I looked at him and he may sound worried but annoyance is written all over his face. Aisht, what is wrong with this boy.

"C'mon Duke, I am so okay! Very much okay actually!" I grabbed the glass in his hand and drink it in one go. "You know Duke, as of today, I declare that alcohol is a man's best friend. Hehehe!"

"Aist Ate Macy, you are seriously drunk. C'mon let me take you home" he said while trying to pull me up from my sit.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him back to sit beside me. Why can't he see that I am having fun here? I don't wanna go home. Home feels lonely. I don't wanna feel lonely. I just want to be drown here with alcohol, music and just be surrounded of all this people. I heard him calling Rob and Dawson to come over. He is really serious in taking me home. Aisht! I can't go home. I don't wanna go home.

And so I beg him with my pleading eyes, "Duke please, I won't drink anymore. Just please let me stay here. "

"But Ate -"

"Please Duke.. Just let me stay here..." I pleaded once again and I could feel that my eyes are getting watery. Aisht! I need a drink.

"Fine.. But you can't drink anymore. And you're going home after an hour." He said while signaling Rob and Dawson not to come over anymore.

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes. I, looking at nothing in particular and he, drinking the left over vodka in the bottle. I looked at him and the bottle he is holding. He shook his head as if telling me that he won't allow me to drink anymore. This frustrates me. The alcohol I have consumed a while ago has already subsided and I could feel the pain slowly creeping back in already.

"Duke, I don't feel good." I said. He put down the bottle of vodka and stood up and check on me.

"What's wrong Ate? Are you dizzy? I told you already that you are drunk"

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