Bloodborne love

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Something inside me was still starving. Banging on the door. My fangs protruded without warning, piercing my bottom lip. The pain didn't bother me; nothing did anymore. The smell of blood wafted through the city like smoke. Something was off. Something far more taster than blood. I've never had my mouth water this much.

"You smell sweet," a husky voice crocked.

I flashed around, prepared to attack. The smell became overwhelming. A tall man, blonde hair with the darkest red eyes. His dark soul was endless, showing only torture and pain.

"I could say the same," my voice was firm but not aggressive. "Who are you?"

"Why should I answer your questions? you're far too young to understand anything." His body flashed in front of mine.

His slim fingers lifted my chin to meet his gaze. My body turned to fire with a slight touch. I wanted to push away; I also, want to swallow him whole.

"Please." I push past his finger to slide mine down his chest. He didn't flinch as I continued, "I'm willing for you to teach me."

His fangs protruded within a second. "Who are you?"

"Now, now, I was the one who asked first."

I step onto my tiptoes to lick up his neck. His hands gripped firmly around my waist, chucking me up to his hips. My legs locked around his torso. I haven't felt this feeling since I first turned. The first time I ever tasted blood, the adrenaline. His hand gripped my hair, yanking me back to reveal my exposed neck. I was waiting for a lick, suck, bite, anything.

"Let's go somewhere more comfortable I want to strip you down and drain you," He whispers in my ear with sudden urgency.

I didn't get a chance to reply. I was pushed down onto a bed. He must be old; he's the fastest I've encountered. His lips pounced onto mine. I couldn't tell if his kisses were good or bad; we were going a hundred miles an hour. The smell was intense, but there was something else wafting through the air. Something more high-powered, the hairs on my body stood tall, my skin heated. I've never felt this much power; my body was melting.

My lace blouse was being taken off as the stranger's fingers roamed over my breast. He forcibly grabs the back of my neck, pulling me back to his lips. I could feel something crawling back up my throat. I pushed him away with all the power I had. He stumbled off the bed but regained his stance.

My knees buckled to the floor. Blood erupted from within me. All the blood I drank from the boy now laid upon the wooden floorboards.

My body trembled; I've never experienced this. I glimpse at the stranger that tried to control himself. He was still prepared to have sex even after what he witnessed. The sweet smell between us was gone.

I need to get out of here; he must have done something to me. Poison?

I gathered all my strength and ran for the front door. My speed was fast but, he was extraordinary. It wouldn't be long till he found me. I had splatters of the boy's blood still on me. His smell made me hungrier.

I collapse to the ground; my chest felt like it was shattering. Was this starvation?

I saw the door we ran through. My body didn't want to move; I wanted to curl up and disappear. The over-powering smell almost knocked me unconscious.

It was smothering me. Suffocating me. This whole place felt like a nightmare.

I stumbled to the door. Freedom was at my fingertips until it flew open; freedom was gone; on the other side of the door. Standing in front of a half-moon was; a tall dark-featured man, black hair with eyes as yellow as the sun. I could see the faint scars of battle wounds over his arms. He looked familiar but different, a look-alike?

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