The un-beating

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warning; suicidal triggers

After the conversation, Arnold threw me back into the dull room. What the hell is going on? My fist smashed into a mirror hanging on the wall. It shattered to the ground, 7 years of bad luck 'they' say. I began to laugh; my bad luck started 200 years ago.

At the point; I was starving, I would kill anything for one drop of blood. Was Arnold not going to feed me? A sudden knock echoed through the empty room. I swung the door open with such force I heard the bottom hinge loosen. A sweet smell blew into my face; it smelt like honey.

"Who are you?" I wanted to take advantage of him but, I needed answers.

"My name is Axel; I'm Arnold's second in command. You didn't tell him anything?"

"What is there to tell? Drinking your blood was accidental; none of this was supposed to happen." I gestured for him to enter before speaking anymore.

He turned to me. His red eyes pierced my dead soul. "One thing is supposed to happen." He paused, "Your Arnolds mate, you always have been. I can smell your wolf; It a miracle that she is still alive." The smell between us disappeared again.

"Wolf? Tell me more. About mates, the voice, the smell, who am I?"

I felt as though I was going crazy; these emotions aren't mine.

Axel signed, "Ever wolf has a mate, it's a destined partner, there are some that can have multiple mates but very rare. The voice of cause is your wolf; she's always been with you."

"No, she appeared last night," I stated.

His eyes stayed latched onto mine, "You two are similar. Part wolf, part vampire. Drink too much blood... your wolf will die. That's why you are so intriguing; your wolf never left you."

The slight tingles of desire returned. I slid my nails down Axel's neck, not enough to cut through the skin. He grabbed my wrist, "We can't. Arnold will kill me."

"I will stop him," I pull his neck close to my lips. "Just a taste."

Alex still held onto my wrist tightly, but his body didn't move a muscle. He wanted me to taste him. All my urges beg me to drain him. My fang protruded, scraping across his bare neck. He smells more delicious than a human. My mind couldn't focus on anything else but the thought of his blood dripping down my body.

'Lelia, I will die if you continue.'

Apart of me didn't care if she dies good riddance, I say. But something crawling to the surface is fighting for both of us to be together.

"Leave now," my voice trembles as I whisper softly in his ear, inches away from bitting it clean off.

Within seconds he was gone. Leaving me alone with that one candle still lit and the glass reflecting at nothing. I shouldn't even be here. I'm a ghost, no worse, a monster. I'm what killed my family. I picked up the sharpest piece of glass on the ground I could find. This emotion is new to me. I feel more than enraged... I feel.. guilty? But how? is it because of the smells?

The point of the glass was already on my veins. My heartbeat didn't vibrate up the glass, it was still, stilling on my icy, un-beating, dead body.

I let out the most hurtful scream, letting go of the pain, anger, resentment. The glass sliced and diced. Blood was over every piece of shattered glass. I didn't stop until I could spell out my everyone's name I needed to kill on the wall.

I was pushed against a hard chest, roughly but lightly at the same time. As soon as the glass was out of my hands, warm hands wrapped around my body locking my arms beside me.

"Calm down," Arnold whispered.

Half of me immediately listened. Stupid wolf, I thought you were on my side.

"Okay, fine." I relaxed. "let go of me."

After a few seconds, he finally let me wiggle my way out. My back faced him not daring to turn around. I am embarrassed by what I did?

"I'm not going to lecture you. I'm assuming your wounds are already healed." Arnold's voice was soft and mellow. He was right thou, my arm just looks like I've dipped it in red paint. "Lelia, there's not much I can say to you. But I'm going to say this; I never killed your family."

My body flinched but didn't, couldn't move.

"Your father was a part of us. We were there to protect you. Your father didn't know they were coming on that night. We had no choice."

My eyes filled up with salty water as they stream like a water fall down my face. I don't want this pain anymore. My legs buckled until they broke to the ground.

Arnold stood close behind. "I just wanted to protect you, they all did."

"My family, they knew about monsters?" My face turned to him as his composed posture broke, falling to his knees at my side.

He gently removed the tears from my face. "They knew about our kind. They were werewolves like you. But you are somehow one of a kind. Both of us."

Both of us? Did he mean me being both kinds or me and him are the same? I should question but my throat was full of saliva, I couldn't even swallow.

Arnold reaches deep down into his pocket bringing out a bag of blood. "It's deer blood. Your wolf will enjoy it more but keeping your vampire side alive."

I reach out the blood on the verge of death, exceptionally after losing so much blood. Was he telling the truth? My anger against him has somehow subsided. Does my wolf trust him that much? I burst the bag open with my fangs letting the sweet juices fall down my throat. Arnold brought me closer to his warm chest.

I don't fully trust you. If you betray me, I will end you with the last blood I have left.

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