Chapter 1-Origin of the fence

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When the humanity is threatened, it finds a way to protect itself. this threat was different, not itself, or nature, but another creature entirely. One fully capable of winning any war it is faced with. Humanity didn't stand a chance, this is the story that led to the fall of an entire race.

In a peaceful world nobody ever has a sense of urgency. Living in a world that no longer wars, no crisis' and little hunger has led humans into a sedentary lifestyle.  When some strange bug from the bottom of the sea bites someone, the general public doesn't flinch. When the person who was bit by the bug turns into a perfect killing machine, nobody has time to flinch. 

After the first Host appeared, the human race didn't think much of it. The assumption was made that it could be dealt with quickly, so like fools, they sent in a small strike team. Only one town was affected at this point but as the rest of the world would soon see, the town was in shambles. The one host managed to take down a town with a population of over 3 million people.

When the strike team flew over the town all they saw was destruction, fire, and people that weren't quite right. The local police force was doing their best to hold off the oncoming horde, but it wasn't enough. The things surged forward and every time a bullet would hit them they would stumble, sprout a new limb, and use it to tear someone apart. The Aircraft set down in from of the police force and 50 men piles out of it. Gunshots rang out and the enemy still wasn't phased, they continued their rapid approach. As the Hosts reached the force, they stabbed, slashed, pinned, infected and tore. No mercy shown whatsoever, three men managed aboard the aircraft: A policeman and two from the strike team. they took off to go inform the rest of the human race of this new, perfect, threat.

After the humans realized that the threat was powerful, they lunched bigger strikes. Bombs proved to be effective as well as fire and electricity. with this, they went to work, assembling the perfect attack force. Men and women alike were equipped with tasers, small scale flamethrowers, rifles, handguns, and grenades. The teams still weren't enough, for every group sent out maybe one host would fall and the rest of the team would join the ranks of the infected. 

All was lost, long term preservation became the main priority of many people. bunkers were made, food was stored, water became as valuable as gold, stores were looted, a mess. Religion boomed, prayers in mass. That was a two sided coin, churches became a point of comfort, and target. Burned down, blown up, people slaughtered. Cults were formed, gangs, and whole new ideologies, it was true anarchy. 

Just before the governments of the word fell completely, one last attempt was made to stabilize things socially. The last attempt was successful, but took away most freedoms. Sending in the forces meant to keep them safe, the strike teams demanded true order. Each town was re-named into a *sector*. eventually sectors merged to become huge maze like super cities, electric fences constantly changing marked their borders. The strike teams initially sent in became a force of absolute control, breaking from their governments completely. Nobody but soldiers were allowed outside the fence, it was the sign of safety, a semi-functional barrier between humanity and total extinction. The electricity was found to deter the hosts from touching it, some sense allows them to know touching it would mean potential death, but that didn't stop some. Fences were torn down constantly but there were always soldiers ready to take out small threat, or abandon the precinct city completely.

A mutual agreement between sectors was made, send some help, lend some troops, and don't war. Some communication was established but only so much can be done when there were hundreds of miles of wasteland in between them. An entire sector could go dark and nobody would ever know until it was too late. Precincts would go down and fought to get back daily. more fence segments would be put up to claim for the sector and people may inevitably move into the new precinct. It was true chaos.

FINALLY, a new part, I know nobody was actually waiting for this but I've been stuck for so long, hopefully you enjoy and have a great day

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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