chapter 7

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hyunsuk wanted to show yoshi so many things, introduce him to so many creatures and he was truly disappointed how he couldn't do much of it. heaven had had its rules after all, and as an archangel, he ought to respect and mind what is permitted and what is forbidden in a celestial place.

"do you want to know how the clouds on the sky are made?" he inquired during one of their travels.

"of course I do." 

the thrill and anticipation were inside yoshi since the moment his angel appeared in front of him but now the emotions probably reached the peak. hyunsuk being the best guardian angel one could ever have, fulfilled the other's wish. they went to the place called "clouds crafting" and yoshi could witness as the first human ever, how three angels were diligently working with a ball of white wool while crocheting with their delicate, nimble hands.

"the one on the left is haruto." hyunsuk pointed at the particular figure carefully not to be called rude for pointing at others with his finger. "next to him sits jeongwoo, and on the right, the smiling boy is junghwanie. he is the youngest among them."

"do they work so hard every day?" asked yoshi worried about the possibility of deteriorated health of the fragile creatures.

"they aren't forced to do it, they can stop whenever they want. but as you can see, they like doing it, so it is their main task in heaven. they have no people to look after anyway. they are called "cloud-weavers"." explained hyunsuk, feeling proud of his hard-working angels.

yoshi let out a relieved sigh. he would never let such magical and valuable beauties spend the whole day and night straining.

"hyunsukie?" he turned his head to the other, getting his attention.

hyunsuk looked back at him, with his shiny, dove-colored eyes, filled with affection and devotion which made yoshi's heart leap.

"could you... could you show me what's your favorite place in heaven?"

hyunsuk smiled his prettiest while asking :

"my favorite place?"

yoshi nodded, interlinking their fingers. the older gazed at their connected hands tenderly.

"you are my favorite place." was the thought he wanted to let out the most.

nevertheless, he said nothing, and requesting yoshi to hold tighter he ascended, unfolding his ravishing and exquisite wings. made of comprehensively numberless silver and white feathers, both were light for the owner but powerful and reliable in case of displaying strength.

yet he has never used them to battle with anyone and frankly speaking he didn't want to do so.

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