The grand tour

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"Now Siobhán will you show Bernadette to her room"
"Why" moaned Siobhán.
"Because I asked you"
"No I shall not do something I do not want to do" roared Siobhán.
"I'll do it" added Darren
"Thank you Darren I'll talk to you later Siobhán" Brid replied.

"Come on" Darren shouted.
"Coming" replied Bernadette.
Darren and Bernadette ran up the spiral stairs.
"In there to your right we have the older boys Gamesroom, where we have a play station, a wii, a x box 360 and stuff like that. In here to the left is the baby playroom where as they like to call if the big boy pants playroom where they have tractors and sheds and cows and fireman Sam. Next here on the right we have the beauty Queens parlour"
"What the fuck is the beauty queens parlour?" Asked Bernadette
"It's where mam and the girls go to the sauna. There's a indoor pool, there's a beauty parlour where they get thier make up, tan, nails and hair done"
"Omg cool"
"Ok in here to your left is Dolly world where there's creepy dolls everywhere they seriously creep me out. Next in here to the right is the cinema but it's better than the cinema because we can watch TV too. Across the hall here is the Gym where u like to work on my guns and did you know I have a sexy six pack"
"O really now you have a six pack, pull your shirt up"
"Am well you need a pass to see it so you can't"
"You are so weird"
"Awwww thanks love ya Next floor"
Now in there to the right is Brian's room his girlfriend Choimhe lives with us because they have 2 children called Ruby and Holly. Next on the left we have Adrian's room his girlfriend Leanne also lives with us because they have a 6 mounth old baby called Hope next on the right is Barry's room his girlfriend Clara
Lives with us because they have a son called Damo
Across the hall here is Endas room then over here on the right we have the best room in the whole intire house my room which I also share with casey. Across here we have podgeschristning and nialls room they all have to share their room as well.

Next floor we have Sharon and Dans room on the right on the left is Amy and Gary's room #complacated"
"Why is it complicated Sharon had Casey and Darcey with Gary when they used to be going out until Sharon broke up with Gary when she found put that Gary slept with this girl called Natalie who had a child called Bernadette and then Amy started going out with Gary and now they have a child called Natasha it's all complacated"
"Ya it kind of is"
"So anyway here is your room you have to share it with Darcey who is also 12, am I was wondering if you want to come with me up glen later you can come hang out with my gang Darcey and Casey are coming too ps Siobhàn hates you"
"I ci da noticed"
"I'll call up for you in a half an hour to go up town"

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