Part two | hello sister |

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The witches are still in the mausoleum. The church clock starts tolling.

Agnes asks "His time is up. What're you gonna do now, Sophie?"

Sophie says "I'm gonna do what I said was gonna do."

Sabine questions her friend "What, kill the girl? Kill yourself?"

Agnes shakes his head"Klaus does not care about the child."

Elijah appears. "I do."

He comes into the mausoleum, carrrying the body of Jane-Anne."And I bring proof of my intent to help you: the body of your fallen friend, which I procured from Marcel himself."

Sophie says softly "Jane-Anne."

Elijah nods "May she be granted peace. Klaus will agree to your terms. I just need a little more time."

Agnes says to the original "You had your time. It's passed."

Sabine said "Shut up, Agnes."

Elijah says bargaining "For now, accept the deal. The girl and the child remain unharmed, or Klaus will kill you all."

He walks away, but then turns around again.

Elijah warns "And I will help him. "


Loki and Klaus drink silently .They then hear Elijah arrive, and klaus speaks to him without turning.

Klaus sighs "Have I not made clear my desire to be left alone?"

Elijah nods "Oh, you demand to be left alone at least once a decade. Your words have ceased to have impact. "

Klaus throws the bottle against the floor, where it bursts.loki sighs and mumbles " I was enjoying that"

Klaus shouting says "Why must you keep harping on about the baby? That child will never be born. In fact, Hayley is probably dead already."

Elijah vampire-speeds up to Klaus, holding his hand around his brother's throat.loki just sits and watches his older brothers fight

Elijah threatening him "You will not walk away from this!"

Klaus says angry "Let. Me. Go.

Elijah gets angry too, shouting "I WILL NOT!"

Elijah throws Klaus against the floor, then heaves him up again, not letting off of him.

Klaus warns "Don't make me say it again."

Elijah shakes his head "I will not let go. I will never let go. "

Klaus grabs Elijah and hurls him against an iron rod fence. Elijah stands up fast and takes one of the iron rods. Then he walks towards Klaus, holding the rod in his hand.

Elijah says approaching him "Even if I have to spend eternity saving you from your own stubborn, petulant, vile self..."

Elijah vampire-speeds up and hits Klaus with the iron rod"If I have to beat you as father used to beat you, to remind you of your own humanity "Elijah hits Klaus again" to care about anything...

He tries to hit Klaus again, but this time Klaus is faster. Klaus grabs the iron rod and now he is the one hitting his brother. Klaus hurls Elijah a few meters back, where he falls on the ground and stays down. Klaus breathes heavily. He lets the iron rod fall to the ground and walks a few steps towards Elijah, who is still lying on the ground."You're beyond pathetic, Elijah."

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