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They whisper about her.

Some say that she had been cursed by Athena. Others say that the Sea God himself had found her beautiful and had cursed her because he was jealous of her beauty.

The truth is that she was cursed for bringing this fate to mankind. She was cursed for bringing a war into what was once a peaceful world. She, who was once the most beautiful of her sisters, was cursed by Athena herself.

And from then on, she turned into the monster everyone saw inside her. She killed humans for her own entertainment, tortured innocents for pleasure.

She became the monster she was destined to be. She became the Medusa everyone fears.

And everyone lived unhappily ever after.

But that isn't the end of the story. It's only the beginning. Because Medusa had a child. 


I'm not a gorgon. I'm half-human, half-god. A demigod, in a way. I don't know how that happened, but it is said that a prophecy was delivered when I was born. And that prophecy struck hope into everyone's hearts. 

But hope is a fragile thing. Powerful, certainly, but fragile. It can be shattered in mere seconds. After all, many prophecies have been false, many heroes have failed.

I am not a hero. And if heroes have failed, then I probably won't even stand a chance.

Their hope in me is misplaced.

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