Chapter 2

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Instinctively, I dropped the paper with a gasp.

What the heck?

I picked up the paper tentatively, putting it on the table next to me as if it were explosive. After all, you never know what things are enchanted nowadays.

The words appeared tantalizingly slow as if the person writing it was only just learning how to form words. I swallowed nervously when I saw the words on the paper.

It is time for you to learn.

My brows furrowed in confusion, even as a thrill of excitement raced up my spine. I touched the words softly, expecting more to appear, but nothing happened.

I sighed, folding up the paper and tossing it on my desk where a huge mound of paper sat neatly stacked.

I fell on the bed, exhaling slowly, relaxing. The bed felt warmer and comfier the usual and I thought I could just close my eyes for a small moment...

My name pierced the warm world I was enfolded in and I jerked awake with a slight gasp, wishing I could stay in that dream forever.

"Evelyn!" Someone knocked on my door and I hurried out of the bed and opened it, coming face to face with Medusa.

"Mother," I greeted, forcing a smile, but it feels useless and transparent. It's how I always feel in front of my mother.

She wore a gown of midnight black, a diamond and silver necklace glittering on her neck. She didn't wear a crown, because she didn't need one. The way she holds herself, the way she speaks, even the way she looks at someone shows the enormous power she holds.

Medusa looked at me with expressionless eyes. "What were you do doing in here? I'll have you know that you missed out on your daily meeting with the councilors that you are required to attend."

I wrinkled my nose. The Council was a group of people that liked to annoy the heck out of you, but they also have a lot of power and influence, so they are kept.

"Well?" Medusa demanded. "Have you nothing to say for yourself?

"Mother, I didn't mean to, I accidentally -"

"Accident?" Medusa asked, eyes flaring. "There is no room for accidents. You are a princess, Evelyn." She gave me a long look. "Do not let this happened again."

With that, she turned and glided out of the room, looking as graceful as ever.

I sighed and put my head in my hands. I had completely forgotten about the meeting. Sighing, I wandered past my bed and to the window.

I hated the window. In the castle, it was so easy to pretend that everything I was working for wasn't a lie, but when I look out the window, I see the truth. I see humans limping around, thin and scrawny. I see that I'm am the cause of their misery and even though it is something I've always know, the window just reinforces it.

I force myself to look out of the clear rectangular shape I dreaded so much. I couldn't see anything for the night was nearing and humans took care not to wander around at nighttime. They say there is a beast in the forest, though my mother dismissed it as a lie. I, however, believed them. They have no reason to lie and the pale, petrified faces just reinforce how scared they were.

Yet another thing that has been ignored.

I turn away from the window and step to my table, picking up the paper that Hallie had given me. The words were still on the paper in messy handwriting.

It's time for you to learn.

Learn what? It made me ever so curious. I touched the words again, then put the paper away. It wouldn't do to get myself caught up in fantasies that could never happen.

I fell onto the bed and closed my eyes.

I awoke moonlight shining on my face. Grabbing my sword and my mask, I changed clothes and walked outside, grabbing some food from the kitchen.

I went back to my room and lifted the carpet where a trapdoor lay waiting for me. I went through it, making sure to put the carpet back in place before I head down the ladder.

I jumped down onto the dirty wooden floor, crouching down to make sure I don't hit my head.

After a short walk through the dark tunnel, the cool air greeted me, letting me know that I was outside of the tunnel.

I glanced around to make sure there weren't any guards before walking into the forest.

The trees created shadows in the dim light. It was the time of day where everything is quiet other than the occasional piercing scream of a human.

I hurried onward, putting on my mask.

Behind the largest tree in the forest was my study. Our study.

I opened the door to the small opening and darted inside, swiftly making sure that no one has followed me.

"Ava!" A voice greeted me and I turned with a smile.

"Alex. How's it going?"

"Eh, not too bad, I suppose. The usual, you know." He replied, half smiling. I knew things were worse than he let on. It always was.

"So, ready to help?" He asked after a brief silence.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I replied crouching down to retrieve the bowl that we used to make our concoctions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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